Chapter Forty

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Well, it took me 23 days, but it's finally here! The big four-oh! Again, I'm so sorry it took me an eternity to get it finished, but I made it extra long and there's some excitement towards the end to make your little hearts sing. In case any of you are wondering how my second semester sucked. I made an A, B, and two C's...not so great compared to last semester where I made all A's. But I still have a decent GPA so I guess it's not so bad. HOWEVER, summer vacation has officially started for me and I'm making a type of mental schedule so I can complete this story, start writing that novel I mentioned before, and I'd really like to take this summer to catch up on some pleasure reading. Don't fret, little ones, more is still to come in the tales of Kellin and Taylor. Much love!

Kris and Ember hung out for a little while. We talked a bit about what happened at the school, and Kris eagerly showed me all the things people were posting on Instagram and Twitter about Kellin and I's kiss. Most of the things people were saying were really nice, but there were always those few people who had something negative to say. I tried not to let it get me down though, because the fact remains, I had Kellin's heart, they didn't.

"I can't believe how cruel these bitches are," Ember shook her head, reading the comments people were saying about me online.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and laid my head on Kellin's shoulder. "They're just jealous."

Kellin kissed my forehead. "Wow, Tay. That's really mature of you," Kris stated. I chuckled and relaxed into my boyfriend's arms.

Kris and Ember only stuck around for an hour and a half before Kellin kicked them out, and I don't mean like he asked them to leave, he basically literally kicked them out the door. "You two need to go," he'd said out of the blue.

The three of us looked at him with expressions of shock mixed with confusion. "Excuse me?" Ember replied.

Kellin's face broke out into a smile as he slid out from under me, leaving me in the chair all by myself. "I'm taking Taylor out to dinner tonight, so you two need to go."

Kris uncrossed her legs and hopped up from her place on the couch. "Why didn't you just say that?"

Ember followed her lead and stood up as well. "Yeah, dude, there's not need to be all rude and demanding about it." The brief tension faded easily as Kris and Ember showed themselves to the door with waves of goodbye.

"Where are we going for dinner?" I asked him as soon as the door closed behind the girls. He turned on his heels dramatically with a smirk on his face. He walked up to me and leaned really close to my face. My heart started banging in my chest as his lips were merely centimeters from mine.

"You'll see," he whispered in a husky voice before planting a quick peck on my lips and stepping away from me.

I groaned in disappointment. "First of all, you're a tease." He chuckled as he walked into the small kitchen area. "Second of all, you know I hate surprises!" I threw my head back with a dramatic groan.

"Aw, too bad because I love surprising you," he responded, sipping on a bottle of water.

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