Chapter Fifteen

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I started working on chapter sixteen right after posting chapter fifteen and although it's of course not the greatest chapter, I figured I should post it now. It's a decent length and if I'd put all the things that I'd wanted to add then this chapter would be like ten pages or something so...HERE'S CHAPTER SIXTEEN! ENJOY, VOTE AND COMMENT! You're feedback is MUCH appreciated and EXTREMELY encouraged! :) ily<3

I took a few more calming breaths and then, with my legs shaking underneath me, walked to the door and opened it only to find not exactly what I was expecting. I mean, of course I was expecting Kellin Quinn to be standing on my best friend’s door step, waiting to take me out on a date. What I did not expect was Kellin Quinn standing on my best friend’s door step dressed in a white button down, and a black tie, holding a mother fucking red rose.

It took me a minute to pull myself out of my daze, and when I did, I said, “You’re actually here.”

His face lit up in a smile. “Did you doubt me?”

Quickly, I shook my head. Then he cocked his eyebrow at me and I chuckled softly, moving my bangs out of my eye. “I only had time to doubt you for half a second. You rang the doorbell right at 7:00.”

He simply shrugged as if it was no big deal. But it was kind of a big deal to me for reasons even I couldn’t explain to myself. “I’m punctual for things I really care about,” he said in a low voice.

I felt myself blush and didn’t answer him. What was I supposed to say to that?

Kris cleared her throat behind me and it’s like I was finally snapped back to reality. “Come in,” I said quickly, and he did, mumbling a short “thank you” as he passed me. I closed the door behind him but we didn’t leave the entry way. Instead, we looked at each other for a long moment before he shyly held out the rose.

“This is for you,” he said to me as I took it in my hand and held it up to my nose to smell the sweet perfume.

“Thank you. It’s beautiful.” I smile brightly at him and he smiles wider in return.

“Beautiful rose for a beautiful lady,” he said.

I giggled softly and responded, “That was incredibly cheesy.”

Kellin chuckled along with me and agreed.

“Y’all are too cute for your own good,” Kris blurted out. She was leaning against the banister of the stairs just watching the two of us. I think we’d both completely forgotten that she was there.

“Hey Kris,” Kellin greeted kindly.

“Hey Kel.” Kris greeted back to him, stepping forward to hug him. Something I probably should’ve done the second I opened the door. It probably seemed like I wasn’t as excited to see him again as I really was.

What if he thinks that I’m not really looking forward to this date tonight? Could I really have screwed up this whole thing in the first five minutes? Yes, Taylor, of course you could have, and you did. Great job at ruining your one shot at possible happiness, a voice said to me in my head. I recognized it as my own voice and tried my best to ignore it and think positive, like Kris has been telling me to all week.

Coming back into the present, I realized that while I’d been zoned out thinking about the worst case scenario, Kris and Kellin have had a full conversation without me. Now Kellin had turned his attention to me and a part of me panicked like maybe I should’ve been listening to the conversation and I was supposed to say something now.

But that wasn’t the case. Instead, Kellin just asked me, “Are you ready to go?” He was smiling, and that made me smile too.

I nodded and looked over to Kris. “Can you take care of this for me?” I asked her, handing her the rose Kellin had given me. She nodded and took it from me. Kellin and I turned back to the front door and were about to open it when Kris stopped us.

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