Chapter Fourteen

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Sorry for the wait guys but this chapter is kinda long and it's leading into something interesting so please bear with me, I know the past few chapters have been utter shit but I'm trying really hard to keep it interesting.  Also, Taylor's outfit that I describe later in the chapter, there's a pic in the external link minus the other stuff that I obviously don't mention in the story. It would just be in the sidebar but I'm stupid and can never figure out that whole thing. Sorry. So, without furter ado, ENJOY, VOTE AND COMMENT! ily<3

~Kellin’s POV~

The week seemed to keep dragging on. Time seemed to pass by slower and slower the longer the week went on. All I wanted to do was see Taylor. I couldn’t explain why I felt this way. Why I felt the need to see Taylor right this minute. Why I could wait just a few more days. Why I couldn’t be satisfied with our texts and phone calls.

All the guys were giving me a lot of shit about it. They would joke around about how I was whipped and she wasn’t even my girlfriend yet. Despite all of the shit they give me, I knew they were happy that I’ve found someone I could be interested in. It’s been a while since I’ve had a girlfriend and Taylor gave me this feeling that I just couldn’t describe. Simply hearing her voice made me smile.

Since we’ve been talking, she’s told me a lot more about her life. She told me about the first time she cut and how awful she felt but how good it made her feel at the same time. She told me about how my music has helped her from going completely over the edge more than once.

That really made me happy. Knowing that I’d helped this amazing girl in some way, that the music I’m making is the reason she’s still here, it made me feel really good.

She also told me about her mom and her sister has been putting her down since she was a kid and that bullying has been a big contributor to the way she feels about herself.

All these conversations happened late at night, so I could hear the pain in her voice and knew she was fighting off tears when she talked about. What I would give to be there with her when she was crying like that.

Only a little while longer, I was constantly reminding myself. I was leaving for Austin tomorrow morning. It wouldn’t be long now before I could finally see her in person instead of pictures.

“Kel? Dude, snap out of it!” Gabe hollered at me, shoving my shoulder roughly and pulling me back to the present.

Looking around, I found myself back in the practice room at Fearless Records. I was sitting at a table with the rest of my band members. What were we doing again? Oh right, deciding on a new rhythm guitarist. After all, we can’t go on this upcoming tour without the rest of the band.

I cleared my throat to get my bearings before speaking. “Sorry, guys. I zoned out for a minute.”

“More like fifteen minutes,” Justin corrected with a laugh.

I could feel my face heating up and cleared my throat again, trying to focus on the list of names in front of me.

“Thinking about seeing Taylor tomorrow?” Jack asked, wiggling his eye brows in my direction. Gabe and Justin laughed along with him.

“Shut up and get back to work,” I ordered in the best ‘strict’ tone I could manage under the circumstances. We all shared a laugh and went back to discussing the guitarist we’ve been seeing for the past week.


~Taylor’s POV~

This past week seemed to move in epic slow motion. Slower than any week I’ve ever lived. I got through it, though. I took more put downs from Diane, Emily and Rachel, and I fought my way through Kevin’s nightly visits. And I got through it all only cutting three times, I know it doesn’t all that impressive, but whenever you’re accustomed to slicing your skin almost every night, making it through a whole week only picking up a blade three times is something to be proud of.

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