Chapter Eighteen

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Like I said in my message earlier, if anyone read it, I'm sorry that it's been so long but I've been super busy with school starting, working AND spending as much time as possible with my boyfriend since our parents are stupid and won't let us spend the night together EVEN THOUGH we are eighteen and have been together for almsot three years. BUT! I have managed to throw together a short filler chapter to make up for it (hopefully). Please enjoy my shitty chapter and let me know what you guys think of this story so far! I'm always happy to hear what you guys have to say. ALSO, there is a reference to chapter seventeen at the end of this chapter. It's not super big or important, it's a small reference. Remember to vote and comment!! :) ily<3

Kris and I woke up the next morning around nine o’clock only to stumble down the stairs to the kitchen where we each grabbed a blueberry muffin and retreated into the living room. We did all of this is complete silence seeing as how we were mostly still half asleep, but we weren’t the types to really sleep the day away.

Once we had finished the muffins and we were a little more awake, Kris said to me, “Has Kellin called you yet?”

I looked over to see a smirk on her face as her eyes were trained on the TV. I couldn’t help but smile slightly, remembering his late night texts the night before and the plans we had for today. “Actually, he texted me last night; he wants to hang out today.”

Now she looked over to me with wide eyes. “That’s great, Tay!” She exclaimed, sounding genuinely excited. I blushed. “What time is he picking you up?”

“I don’t know. He hasn’t texted me yet this morning,” I answered her, turning my body to face hers a little more.

“Well, what are your plans today?” She copied my motions and turned to face me as well.

“I don’t know. We were both tired so we didn’t really talk about what we would do. He just said he wanted to see me.” I shrugged my shoulders as the smallest of smiles crept up on my lips.

Kris nodded her head and made her “thinking face”. Then after a second or two, she voiced, “I’m thinking you should probably wear something casual. Maybe pair of shorts while it’s still warm outside and just a tank top or t-shirt to go with it.”

I nodded my head in agreement as we fell back into silence and tuned into whatever was on the television this early in the morning.

An hour later, Kellin called me to ask when he could pick me up. I told him an hour and hurried up the stairs so that I could shower, dry and straighten my hair, do my make-up and throw on the clothes that I had picked out which consisted of a pair of black shorts and a charcoal grey tank top with a coffin on it with a banner that reads “Pierce the Veil”. (Picture of the tank in external link because my clothing descriptions suck ass!!!!! ------>) I was just slipping on my black Vans when the doorbell rang.

I knew that Kris would answer the door so I took my time grabbing my phone, keys and wallet and double checking to make sure I had everything I would need before doing a once over in the mirror, deciding I couldn’t do any better and walking out of Kris’s bedroom to join them downstairs.

Just as I’d suspected, Kris had indeed answered the door as she and Kellin were standing in the foyer talking about God knows what. Probably about how pathetic you are, a voice said out of the blue. I halted my steps on the stairs and looked around for the source of the voice before realizing it had been in my head.

No, I would not let this ruin my day with Kellin. It would probably be one of the last days I get for a long time and I would not ruin it! What do you mean ‘probably’? You really think Kellin wants to be here right now when he could be anywhere else with a million other people he’d rather be hanging out with? People actually worth his time and attention?

“Hey, you okay?” A real voice said softly. I opened my eyes, not realizing that I’d had them shut and found Kellin standing a few steps in front of me.

I pushed away all other thoughts going through my crowded mind and focused on him. I took in his presence, the way he stood, the way he looked at me with those captivating blue eyes and the way his black locks fell perfectly around his handsome face. My heart pounded in my chest as an easy smile took over my face.

“I’m fine,” I assured him, taking the last few steps down the stairs and launching myself into his arms. “It’s good to see you.”

He chuckled lightly and I could feel his warm breath in my ear while he arms were wrapped firmly around my waist, holding my feet a few inches off of the ground. “It’s good to see you too.” He turned his head to kiss my temple sweetly as he set me back on the ground. “We should get going.” I nodded my head and our fingers laced together as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Kellin led us to the front door, passing Kris in the process who was standing off to the side with a knowing smile. “It was good seeing you too, Kris.”

“Yeah, totally,” she replied. “Maybe tomorrow we can catch up some more?”

“That’d be great,” Kellin told her with a smile.

She nodded once and held the door open for us to walk through. “Have fun!” She called after us.

Once we were in the car, Kellin wasted no time in starting it and driving down the road. “Where are we going?” I asked him.

He reached across the center console of the car and interlocked his fingers with mine firmly. “I don’t really know. I figured we could just drive around for a bit until we decided.”

He glanced in my direction for confirmation. I smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

He smiled at me before bringing my hand to his lips so he could place a small kiss there. I felt myself blush and moved my hair in front of my face so he couldn’t see. Then with my free hand, I reached forward and turned up the music just loud enough to hear, but not so loud we couldn’t hold a conversation.

Just like the night before, we talked easily for the whole ride around the city of Austin. We would talk about one subject for a minute or two and then quickly switch over to another topic and repeat the process. I loved listening to him talk. I could listen to his voice talk about nonsense for hours, just like I could listen to his voice singing to me through my speakers for hours on end and never be bored.

The more time I spent with him, the more convinced I was becoming that he was the one I always dreamt about; the one who would come into my life and take me away from all of the bad things and make me happy.

Kellin Quinn was my prince.

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