Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Oh man, you guys are so lucky I love you :) You're also lucky this chapter was relatively easy to write and pretty quick since I knew what I was doing basically the whole time. And I know no one is reading this thing because you're all too excited to know what happens next so here you go!!!! :D

Two And A Half Hours Before

My eyes widened in shock as I stared between Dr. Atkins and Lizzie. The whole room had gone quiet, and all eyes were on me. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to cry or get angry. I knew Fate could be cruel, but schizophrenia? Haven’t I been through enough if my seventeen years? Now I’m flat out crazy like everyone said?

“I know that sounds scary,” Dr. Atkins was saying. “But we believe that your symptoms will be easily managed by antipsychotics, and you should be able to live a happy, normal life.”

I laughed harshly. “A normal life?” I sneered. “What kind of normal person has to be on antipsychotics? No one,” I answered for her. “The only people who take those meds are psychos, and they don’t live normal lives.”

“Maybe your life won’t be the ideal normal, but you won’t be hearing or seeing things anymore,” Lizzie jumped in with her calming voice.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I leaned back in my chair, taking a deep breath to calm my frantic heart.

Dr. Atkins continued to explain my case to me. Charlotte was listening attentively while I stayed in my position. “Your case is very rare, Taylor. In fact, I’ve never seen anything like it. Most of the time, schizophrenia will either develop in early childhood or in a women’s early to mid-twenties, yours, on the other hand, began in early adolescents and has continued to progress. And even more shocking, you’re aware that the things you see and hear are not real. They seem real, but you can ultimately determine they are false.”

“What does that mean?” Charlotte asked.

“We’re not for sure what it means, but we believe that in Taylor’s case, the schizophrenia is somewhat of a mild form that shouldn’t progress much past the present developments. The medication should help stop the progression from going any further.” Dr. Atkins turned to me. “In retrospect, this prognosis is very good, despite the scariness of it.”

I had to agree with her on that. I guess it could be worse; it could always be worse. I could be so insane they have to institutionalize me for the rest of my life. I could never see my friends again; I could never see Kellin again.

But will he even want to be with me after I tell him this news? It’s bad enough that we have such a large age difference between us, but would he want to spend his life, not only with an underage girl, but a crazy one at that? I’m not worth that. Even before my diagnosis, I knew I didn’t deserve him. What does this mean for us?

“You know what it means, Taylor,” Anna said from across the room. She was perched on the edge of Lizzie’s desk in a tank top and short skirt. Her pink lips were turned up in a devilish smirk, her bright blue eyes shining with amusement. “He’s going to leave you. Drop you like yesterday’s garbage.” She giggled, throwing her head back.

I rolled my eyes at her and turned back to the center of our small circle.

“What’s on your mind, Taylor?” Lizzie asked me. “How are you feeling about all of this?”

I struggled to find the right words for how I was feeling at that moment. I shrugged. “I guess I just think it’s all a little hopeless,” I murmured.

“Why do you think that?”

“It just feels like everything is going to fall apart, like everyone I’ve ever cared about is going to leave me once they find out I’m crazy.”

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