Chapter Nine

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I'm sorry that this chapter took so long, I've been so busy with graduation, but it's over now! Yay, no more High School!!!! And if you guys don't mind, I'd like to tell you guys something I can't tell anyone else. If you don't really care, that's fine, skip straight to the story, but if you don't mind hearing about my personal life...Here's the thing. I've been with my boyfriend Chance for two and a half years. He's amazing and he literally saved my life. Sophomore year, my depression was getting worse and worse, and sometime around October and November, I was reaching my lowest point. I was about ready to give up everything. And then, one day, he just shows up in my life and becomes my best friend. He was someone I could talk to without fearing judgement or rejection and even if he couldn't relate to what I was going through, he listened. A few months later, started dating and I fell in love from our first kiss. So without him, I'd probably be dead right now. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to tell you guys. We got lots of money for graduation and he told me yesterday that he was thinking about buying me a ring. Like an engagement ring!!!! We've talked about marriage before but I never thought he would seriously buy me a ring right out of high school. And I'm just so excited about the idea that maybe he will but I can't tell anyone cuz they'll probably say we're crazy and talk us out of it. But yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you. Sorry for prolonging you're reading but now, here you go! the long awaited chapter nine. ENJOY, VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! ily<3

            We drove around Los Angeles for a long time. When we drove down the busiest street, it was my idea to pick a Sleeping with Sirens song, stick our heads out of the sunroof and scream the lyrics at the pedestrians.

            I chose “If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn” and Kris and I stood up while the four guys stuck their heads out the windows. We got a lot of dirty looks, a couple of cheers from other SWS fans, but for the first time, I didn’t care.

            I was being myself for the first time and it didn’t matter what these people thought of me. I expected to feel awkward around these guys, having just met them for the first time a few hours ago and them being so famous and all, but I’d never felt more comfortable in my life. The only time I was ever a little okay with being so outgoing was whenever I was alone with Kris, and even then I was a little guarded. But with Justin, Gabe, Jack and Kellin, it felt okay to be myself.

            I was screaming along with my favorite band, the wind blowing back my hair, the California sun shining on my face. I could honestly say that I was truly happy. I was free. And probably the most surprising of all, I felt alive.


            Around 12:30, our stomachs started to grumble in hunger. Kris and I let the guys choose the place to eat since we figured they would know of someplace good.

            Which they did, of course.

            It took us fifteen minutes to get to the In-And-Out Burger. Everyone’s heard of this place. I’m pretty sure people on Mars have heard of In-And-Out Burger so it wasn’t surprising to see the crowd standing outside to get a legendary burger.

            Stepping out of the stretch limo, we turned a few heads but it didn’t seem all that strange. It was L.A. after all. Kris and I groaned in unison at the sight of the line that seemed to be ten miles long.

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