Chapter Twenty-Six

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What's up guys? Originally, this was going to be the rest of the concert and we'd be done, but while I was writing it, an idea came to mind making the chapter longer than I had planned. So the concerts gonna run over three chapter instead of two, hope that's okay with you guys. Also, just in case any of you don't actually listen to these bands, I highly suggest listening to a few of the songs mentioned in this chapter because they're fucking amazing!!! :) And there is also an italicized part of a song mentioned so I'd really like you guys to listen to it as you read. It's italicized because it's something that I want all of you to know. I really love all of you and you're all amazing and beautiful and you all deserve to be here and to be alive. Stay strong, my darlings. You'll be okay<3

It took a lot of pushing, and shoving, and Kris’s signature ‘don’t mess with me’ glares, but eventually the three of us managed to find spots a decent distance from the stage. We were really excited to see all the guys play. This would be my first real concert seeing as how I’d never dared to go anywhere without Kevin and Diane’s permission before, but now that I was here my body was tingling with excitement. I’ve never felt more alive than I did standing in the middle of that big crowd with my two best friends waiting for my boyfriend to walk out on that stage, and sing to all of these people, including myself.

It only took a minute before Of Mice & Men were announced and the five men ran out on stage and began to play their opening song. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kris scream and jump around so much, and she’s always like a five year old on a sugar high. The three of us screamed along with Austin, and we took a few pictures with our phones of us and the band.

Pierce the Veil came on stage after them. They were amazing the say the least. They played most of their songs from “Collide with the Sky” and a few older songs like “Caraphernelia”. When they were leading into “Hold On Till May”, we knew what song was coming by the say Vic suddenly grabbed the mic and started to speak.

“This next song was inspired by a friend of mine back home in San Diego, and it goes out to all the people out there who might have grown up living in a home with parents who paid zero attention to them as a child. And, uh, it goes out to the girl who it was inspired by, and, uh, if you can relate it goes out to you as well.”

The music began and everyone around me screamed. “Sing this with me,” Vic said. Everyone sang along as he began to sing. “She sits up high surrounded by the sun. One million branches and she loves every one. Mom and Dad, did you search for me? I’ve been up here so long I’m going crazy!”

As the bridge quickly approached, my eyes filled with tears before he even started to sing. Kris reached out and took my hand tightly in hers. I looked over and we smiled at one another. Tears were in her eyes as well. I felt Ember take my other hand. I pulled them both into me, wrapping my arms around them as Vic continued to sing. “If I were you I’d put that away. See you’re just wasted and thinking ‘bout the past again. Darling, you’ll be okay.”

Suddenly Jenna McDougall came from the side stage. “If you were me you’d do the same. See I can’t take anymore. I’ll draw the shades and close the door. Everything’s not alright, and I would rather…”

The music sped up and confetti fell from the sky. The crowd screamed as the strobe lights flashed. Kris pulled me away from Ember and embraced me in a bear hug. “I love you,” she said in my ear.

“I love you too,” I squeezed her shoulders and she kissed my cheek.

Vic and the guys finished out the song. A few songs later, the guys played a few seconds of random stuff to lead into the next song. “Alright, for our last song of the night, I’m gonna need a little help from my man Kellin Quinn. Kellin, get out here!”

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