Chapter Five

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Hey you guys! I know this chapter is very short but I only have eight days of school left! And only THIRTEEN DAYS UNTIL I GRADUATE!!!!!! AHHHH! I wanted to get a chapter out so I wrote this during down time in school. It's kind of crappy but I hope this holds you over for a while. I should be able to get chapter six written this weekend. Anyways, you know the drill...VOTE, COMMENT, AND ENJOY CHAPTER FIVE!! ily<3

*~*Three Weeks Later*~*

            The next few weeks passed in a slow blur of teasing and beatings. Kevin started coming back into my room at least five times a week. Each time was worse than the last. It was getting harder and harder to block out what he was doing to me. Eventually, my screaming became a problem. One of the neighbors had called the police but they never even questioned me. Diane and Kevin, even Emily, lied and said it was all a mistake, a misunderstanding. They told the officer that I was probably seeking attention and he left without so much of a glance towards where I hid, peeking out of my bedroom door. Since then, Kevin ties me to my bed posts and uses duct tape to muffle my screams for help.

            The girls at school have still been ganging up on me as much as possible. Even with a school as big as ours, Rachel and her band of Barbie doll clones seek me out just to tell me how fat and ugly I was.

            They were just like Regina George and the plastics in Mean Girls. Rachel was a blonde bimbo with big boobs and obviously the leader of the other two. Mary Ann and Jazmin were her groupies.

            The voices were getting worse too. And at night, I saw the shadows move. I saw large hands reaching out for me and shapes of people. I constantly felt as if I was being watched all the time.

            Everything was worse than before. Diane didn’t go one day without slapping me at least once. Sleeping with Sirens was my only hope of getting out alive and even that small hope was fading.

            I wasn’t sure how much more I could take before Kris ran up to me one Tuesday between fifth and sixth period. She was squealing loudly, causing people to stop and stare at her curiously. Her cell phone was in her hand so it seemed as she just gotten off the phone with someone. When she spotted me by my locker, she started cheering, “I won! I won! I won!”

            A small smile played across my lips. “What did you win?”

            “The contest!” She said simply. I furrowed my brows at her, indicating for her to explain further. “This weekend, you, me, Los Angeles and Sleeping with Sirens!” She screamed, bouncing excitedly, making her fiery red hair go everywhere.

            My smile grew wider. “Are you serious?” She nodded. For a moment, I jumped with her. Until a sudden thought occurred to me, killing my good mood. “Wait,” Kris settled down enough to give me a hard look. “Kevin and Diane will never let me go.”

            She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. “Tell them you’re spending the weekend with me. It won’t be a total lie.” Now fully calm, she started to walk with me to our next class.

            I shook my head at her idea. “They basically have me under lockdown. I’ll never get away with it.” As badly as I wanted to meet the band that saved my life, my parents’ wrath scared me too much to risk disobeying them. Just thinking that I was missing this once in a lifetime opportunity made tears fill my eyes. I pushed them away and tried to change the subject. “Did you finish the homework for Algebra?”

            “No,” Kris answered before getting back on topic. “Taylor, you have to come to L.A. with me. Screw your parents. You do everything you can to please them and what does it get you? Nothing ever changes. Do this for yourself. You know you want to go.”

            I looked over at my best friend. “I don’t know,” I said uncertainly.

            “Come on, babe. Please, come with me. We’ll find a way to sneak you out and they’ll never know. When we get back, we’ll deal with them, together. I’m not leaving you here, Tay.”

            As I looked into her brown eyes, I knew she wasn’t going to let this go. She was right, I did want to meet Sleeping with Sirens, and nothing I ever did to please my parents seemed to be good enough. So why not disobey them and do this for myself? “Okay, I’ll go.”

            Kris squealed in joy and hugged me tightly. “Yay! This is going to be so much fun. Hey, maybe Kellin will fall hopelessly in love with you.” I rolled my eyes as we walked into class and took our seats near the back of the class. “You never know. Crazier things have happened.”

            The bell rings and as Mrs. Holland starts her lecture about vectors; I zoned out completely and started doodling, playing out scenarios surrounding Kris’s suggestion about Kellin falling in love with me. Hey, a girl can dream.

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