Chapter Twenty-Five

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Yay, a decently quick update! It's not very long but I really wanted to get something out there soooo......ENJOY!!!! :D ILY<3

The venue had a line a mile long by the time we pulled into the crowded parking lot. The three of us groaned, but pulled ourselves out of the car, wrapping our jackets tightly around our bodies. I bet Kris regrets those skimpy clothes now. We found our spots at the back at the back of the line, and huddled together slightly. I pulled out my phone and texted Kellin.

‘We’re here. This line is a million miles long. And it’s COLD!!’

He didn’t respond for a few minutes, which wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was what he responded with when he finally did.

‘Go to the doors. I’ll be waiting.’

I raised my eyebrows, but didn’t question it. “Come on,” I told the girls quietly so no one else would overhear. They gave me questioning looks but followed me as I started walking past the long line. There was a large man standing guard at the doors, and a woman sitting behind a wall of glass selling a few last minute tickets. They gave us odd looks. “Um, I should have three tickets waiting for me,” I told her.

“Name?” She asked stoically, picking up a clipboard.

“Taylor Foster,” a new voice said behind her. “She’s with me.” The woman smiled at Kellin, and nodded for the large man to open the doors for us.

Ember and Kris rushed into the warm building while I stayed where I was standing in the cold. I looked back at the line of boys and girls all huddled together, sharing each other’s warmth. It didn’t seem fair that they had been standing out here for hours in this weather while I was able to go inside because I knew the band.

“Taylor,” Ember’s voice broke my train of thought. “Come on. Get out of the cold.”

I looked back at Kellin still standing behind the glass. He gave me a small nod, understanding my hesitation. “Wait a few minutes, and then let them in,” he told the large man.

“But the doors don’t open for another hour,” the woman started to argue.

“It’s freezing out here, Janice,” Kellin told her. “Let them in.” Without another word, he walked out of the small room, and I ran through the door that the security guard was holding for me. I smiled and thanked him, receiving a smile from him in return.

Kellin and the girls were waiting for me. “Thanks for letting us in,” I told Kellin as he wrapped his arms around my small frame, instantly warming my cold limbs.

“No problem. I wasn’t going to let you sit out there and freeze.” He kissed my forehead sweetly, causing a smile to erupt on my face.

“Hey Kellin, are we still playing-.”

“Shut up, Jack!” Kellin said suddenly, looking to Jack who was walking in our direction.

We laughed as he approached us and he stayed silent. “Hey Taylor, long time, no see,” He greeted me.

“Hi Jack,” I said, still wrapped in Kellin’s arms.

Jack chuckled softly. “I’d hug you, but I don’t think he’s letting you go.” I shrugged my shoulders, indicating that I didn’t mind at all.

“You can hug me, dickhead!” Kris joked. He turned to her and she instantly opened her arms to hug him.

“Hey Krissa,” Jack said with a smirk. He knew what he did, but I don’t think he quite understood how bad he fucked up with that joke, but he seemed to realize when Kris’s arms dropped to her sides, her previous smile fell into a hard line, and her eyes started sending daggers in his direction.

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