Chapter Twenty

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Well, it's not very long, but it's not bad. :) And hey, two updates in a short time span :D So, as promised, this chapter is dedicated to crystalbirdie because she was the ONLY person to comment on the last chapter. Thanks again Crystal :) Enjoy chapter twenty-one.

After my panic attack, Kellin took me back to the waiting area where Charlotte and Kris were waiting for us. They looked worried and a little frightened. Kris even had tears in her eyes when she saw me. She tried her best to hide them from me and neither of them overreacted like I thought they would. Instead of running up and pulling me into their arms like a mother finding her lost child in a park, they simply gave me small smiles and Kris asked me if I was alright. I told her that I was fine and I only needed a minute to pull myself together. She gave me another smile and took a few steps away from me. Charlotte came up to me next and gave me a tight squeeze. She said that she was glad that I was alright before giving Kellin a small smile of thanks and squeezing his shoulder with her hand. Then she walked over to join Kris.

I hated seeing them like this. I hated that they worried about me in such a way. More than anything, I hated that I was the cause of their pain and distress.

Beside me, Kellin’s fingers laced with mine. I looked up at him and found him smiling down at me. I tried my best to give him a genuine smile in return, but in the back of my mind I could only think about how much pain I was causing my best friend and the only woman who’d ever treated me like a daughter.

That’s whenever Kellin suggested we find somewhere more comfortable to sit while we waited for the next flight. I whipped my head around to look at the board of scheduled flights. Up on the board, right next to Kellin’s original flight was the word “DEPARTED” in big red letters.

“I made you miss your flight?” I asked him, a pain growing in my chest. “I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t gonna leave anyway without knowing that you were okay.” I looked down at my shoes in shame. He reached over and lifted my chin back up. “It’s worth it to spend a little more time with you.” He kissed my lips lightly, making my heart flutter like a butterfly despite the awful feeling in my gut.

Once Charlotte and Kris joined us, we started walking towards the Starbucks café that was in the airport. Luckily, since Kellin was only here for the weekend, he didn’t have any big luggage that had been loaded into the other plane, only his small carry on that he carried with him now.

The four of us order our drinks and sat in a booth and talked about simple things. No one else mentioned my episode for which I was very thankful for. Everyone seemed to have forgotten it, or at least pretended to forget. There was no awkwardness with me and they didn’t treat me like I would break again at any moment.

Kellin never removed his hand from mine and he would occasionally squeeze it or play with my fingers to let me know that he hadn’t forgotten that I was there. The only time that he left was to call his family and buy another ticket for a later time.

Not long after he left, Kris excused herself to go to the bathroom, which I thought was a little odd, but I didn’t let myself dwell on it because God only knows where my mind would go with that.

Eventually they came back, one at a time and we resumed our conversation until it was time for Kellin’s new flight to take off. Whenever his row number was next to be called, he started saying his goodbyes to Charlotte and Kris. They went to wait in the car for me, giving Kellin and me a little privacy.

He had once again sat me on his lap and he was playing with my fingers absentmindedly. It wasn’t long before I had to break the silence. “So are you going to stay in touch?”

Kellin’s fingers stopped dancing with mine and he lifted his head from my shoulder to look at me. “Of course I’m going to stay in touch. I told you, Taylor, I’m not going to disappear on you. I’m here for as long as you need me.”

I smiled softly. “I’ll always need you,” I whispered.

He smiled back at me, his eyes seeming to light up at my words. “Then I’ll always be here.” We sat in silence for another moment before Kellin looked back at me with serious eyes. “I need to ask you something.”

My heart started to pound in my chest at his words. It’s like whenever you get called to the office in school and you suddenly recall all the bad things you’ve done that you could be getting into trouble for, only I had nothing to specifically scared of this time, only what he could be asking me. I nodded for him to go on.

“Whenever I leave,” that lump came back to my throat and I could feel the tears brimming up with just the thought of him leaving. I knew that he had to, but that didn’t mean that I wanted him to leave. “I need to know that all of this wasn’t some kind of dream or figment of my imagination. I need to know that this, what we have is real.”

I looked over at him with my brows furrowed in confusion. “What are you saying?” I asked him.

He smiled and said, “Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?”

My first instinct was of course to say yes, but at the same time, a bigger part of me wanted to know why he would want me to be his girlfriend when he could have any girl in the world?

But I didn’t ask him why. Instead, I bit my tongue and smiled widely. “Yes,” I told him. His smile grew wider. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” I kissed his lips, a smile still on my face. I could feel his lips curve into a smile beneath mine. My heart turned to liquid in my chest. We kissed for a long few seconds before he pulled away.

“I’m so happy you said yes,” He muttered breathlessly. I giggled. “Can I give you something?”

I cocked my eyebrow at him and he pulled something out of the side pocket of his carry on. I didn’t get a good enough look at it to recognize what it was until he said, “Close your eyes and hold out your hand.” I obeyed and felt him warp something around my wrist.

        Opening my eyes, I found a dark brown leather bracelet with an anchor holding it around my small wrist. (pic in external link: or for app users: My jaw dropped to the floor. I loved it. I loved the simplicity of it but I knew Kellin had picked it special just for me.

“I know it’s not much,” He started to say.

I shook my head, cutting him off from his sentence. “No, it’s perfect. I love it. Thank you so much.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him tightly against me.

“I wanted to get you something to remember me by,” He explained.

I rolled my eyes behind his back before pulling away to look at him. My fingers ran through his soft, dark locks. “I could never forget you.” I kissed him again and let myself get lost in the feeling of his mouth and his hands and his body on me. My brain turned fuzzy and my heart pounded hard against my rib cage. I could live in this moment forever and be happy for the rest of my life.

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