Chapter Thirty

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If anyone even reads those little posts I put out, or if you even get the notification anymore, you'll know I said a few days ago I'll hopefully have the next chapter up that night. Obviously that didn't happen, and I'm sorry if I got your hopes up, but I have finally finished the chapter and let's just say...well, nevermind. I don't want to ruin the surprises I have in store. <insert evil laugh here>. ANYWAYS! So, I lost the photo I used for inspiration for Taylor's dress in L.A., so I looked on pinterest and found a different dress. It's a little similar in some ways, but it's close enough. Picture is in the external link. Enjoy chapter thirty! :)

Bang bang bang! I squint my eyes at the darkness of my bedroom. My mind was still half submerged in my dream. I was actually having a nice dream for once. I was going to beat whoever had disturbed me to a pulp, I decided mentally. As the fog cleared from my mind, the banging continued and was soon joined by a shrill scream through my door. “Mom says get up and get ready. We have guests coming soon and she wants this house spotless!” Emily shrieked at me. I groaned and buried my face back into my pillow. “Did you hear me skank? Get the hell up!”

“I heard you!” I yelled back at her. I never felt more like Cinderella without the happily ever after in my life.

I slowly pulled myself out of bed, taking my clothes to the bathroom so I could take a shower. It wasn’t nearly as long as I’d wished because either Emily or Diane were at the bathroom door every five minutes, yelling at me to hurry up. I tossed my pajamas into my room before shutting the door and walking into the kitchen where Diane and Emily were busy preparing an actual dinner.

“Who’s coming to dinner?” I asked, leaning against the door frame.

“You’re father is up for a promotion at work. He thought having his boss over for a nice dinner would give him an edge against the competition.” Diane explained. “So, I’d really appreciate it if you could help out a bit and clean up the house.”

“Okay,” I said before turning around to get the vacuum from the hallway closet.


I was finished cleaning by noon, and Kevin’s boss and his family would be coming in two hours. I put away the cleaning supplies and walked into the living room where Diane and Emily were both sitting on the couch watching television. “The house is clean. I’ll be in my room,” I say quietly.

Diane looks up from the screen and examines me. Her face turns to one of disgust when she sees me. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

I look down at my sweater and skinny jeans. “What’s wrong with it?” I ask, although I already know how she’ll answer.

She scoffs at me and turns up her nose. “This is an important dinner, Taylor,” she says my name like its poison. “Don’t you have a dress or something you could wear?” I say that I do. “Wear that then. Just don’t look like a slut like you usually do, understand me? We need to make a good impression on these people.” I nod my head and start to turn around. “Be out here by one thirty.”

I nodded, though she wasn’t even looking to notice. Back in my room, I put my headphones in my ear and looked through some things on my laptop. I scrolled through Twitter first before pulling up Tumblr and looking through some things there. I tried my best to ignore the posts about Kellin and Katelynne that were still floating around. When I got bored with that, I checked my phone for what felt like the hundredth time, hoping there was a new text message. Kellin hadn’t texted me since this morning when he told me good morning. I’m sure he was busy doing fun things with his family. He doesn’t get to see them often enough and I’m sure they all miss him, so I don’t blame him, but I missed him too. I can’t believe I’m one of those girlfriends who feels so dependent on and lost without her boyfriend.

Somehow, I found ways to kill time before I had to start getting ready for dinner. I played my music softly through my speakers while I straightened my hair and did my make-up. I changed into the dress I wore in L.A. and smiled at the memory of how Kellin reacted to seeing me in it.

I took one last look in the mirror before turning off my music and leaving to go into the living room. Silently, I sat on the recliner, back straight and my hands in my lap as I stared at the carpet. Neither Diane nor Emily looked up at me. Emily was wearing a dress that was incredibly too short. It was a strapless dress with a floral pattern and a belt that wrapped around her waist and she was wearing a pair of brown strappy heels that I would break my neck in if I tried to wear. Diane was wearing black slacks and a blue blouse with black flats.

My phone rang with a new notification in my lap. I jumped at the sound and looked down. I saw that Kellin had texted me and couldn’t fight the smile that spread across my face. “Hey, sorry I haven’t been texting. These kids have me running all over the place. I miss you, though. I wish you were here,” he said. My smile grew wider as I texted back.

“I miss you too,” I said. “I’d give anything to be with you right now.”

“Who could you possibly be texting?” Emily snapped at me. I whipped my head in her direction and found her glaring at me.

“No one,” I answered submissively, lowering my head from her gaze. I held onto my cell phone a little bit tighter.

Emily scoffed. “You better not have that thing out when your father’s boss gets here, or you’ll get it later,” Diane said, not making eye contact with me at all.

Just then, the front door opened and we heard laughter coming from that direction. Diane and Emily jumped from their seats and hurried to greet our guests. I followed more slowly, coming up behind them.

Kevin stood a few feet in the entry way, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. Behind him stood another man a little younger than him, also in a suit, a red haired woman in a deep purple dress, and a boy my age, if not a little older, in a suit similar to his father’s.

“Matthew, this is my family. My lovely wife, Diane, my youngest daughter, Emily,” he gestured to each of them in turn and soon faced me. “And this is my beautiful daughter, Taylor.” I offered the family a slight smile. It didn’t go unnoticed that he seemed more affectionate towards me than Diane or Emily. “Family, this is my boss, Matthew Johnston, his wife, Marilyn, and their son, Preston.”

The three of them went down the line and shook our hands, exchanging smiles and greetings. Preston was the last to approach us and I noticed Emily batting her eyelashes in his direction and saw her push her chest out a little farther. When he stepped in front of me, his smile changed. “It’s very nice to meet you,” he says quietly to me. He takes my hand and does something I wouldn’t have expected. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it softly.

It takes everything in me not to snatch my hand back in disgust. But I manage to contain myself and strain my voice to say, “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

Emily bursts in from beside me and holds her hand out, palm down, expecting the same greeting he’d given me. “I’m Emily,” she says in a flirtatious tone.

Preston glances at her face, her outstretched hand, and back to her face before giving her hand one firm shake and turning his attention back to me. He’s looking at me like I’m a piece of meat he’s ready to devour in one bite. I feel my face heat up. I glance around at everyone else crowded in the entry way. Our exchange is not lost upon the rest of them. Emily and Diane are both shooting daggers into me. Kevin is staring at Preston like he’s about to attack him like a wild animal. And Preston’s parents seem amused by the way their son is staring at me.

I avert my eyes and stare at the floor instead, feeling my phone buzz in the pocket of my dress and ignoring it the best I can. All I can think is, “Oh boy. This was going to be a very, very interesting evening.”

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