Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sorry it took a while you guys, but it's long and pretty interesting so hopefully you guys are happy. And real quick before you get started, I just want to say a HUGE thank you!!!!! 1.9K READS!!!! I cannot tell you guys how much I appreciate all of your support through the course of this story. I absolutely love writing it, and I hope you guys love reading it :) so thank you guys so much!!!

Over the course of the next week, I spent three or four days at the hospital having tests done. Dr. Atkins, one of Lizzie’s close friends, was the one to administer the tests. Apparently, she and Lizzie met in college. Dr. Atkins was a pretty woman with red hair, hazel eyes and freckles all over her face. She was really kind, and patient with me. She kept reassuring me whenever I looked nervous.

Dr. Atkins drew blood, and took my vitals, which wasn’t that bad. The scariest test was the CAT scan. At first, it wasn’t too bad. I was perfectly relaxed as the table I was laying on slid down the belt and into the large tube-like thing. It was only whenever Dr. Atkins started the test that I started to panic, even though she did warn me.

“Okay, Taylor, I’m going to start the test now. You’re going to hear a loud noise, like metal rolling around in a tin pan. Don’t be alarmed by it. The test should only take a few minutes. Are you ready?” I nodded, though I wasn’t sure she could see me.

I jumped slightly at the loud rumbling of the machine over me. “I need you to relax, sweetie,” Dr. Atkins said to me through the speaker. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes, releasing the tension in my body.

“You know what this is, don’t you?” Another voice said. The voice wasn’t Dr. Atkins, or Lizzie’s. My eyes shot open, and in the mirror above me, right next to my reflection was another. I gasped and tried to move away from her.

“Taylor, are you alright?” Dr. Atkins asked me.

I opened my mouth to scream, until the woman placed her finger over my lips and smiled sickly sweet. “You’re fine,” she said.

“I-I’m fine,” I stuttered.

“Okay, just relax and stay completely still. There’s only another minute or two left in the test. Then you can go home.”

I settled back into my previous position, my eyes never leaving the woman next to me.

She had dark black hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was smooth like silk, her voice like velvet. “Do you know what this machine does?”

“It’s a large X-ray that’s used to look at my brain,” I mimicked Dr. Atkins explanation to me earlier, my eyes still trained on the young woman in the mirror.

She was shaking her head. “That doctor lied to you. She’s not even a real doctor,” she laughed. “This machine is used to suck the life out of people. Don’t you feel it? Can you not feel the air being sucked out the tube? She’s slowly suffocating you.”

I crinkled my eyes at the girl, becoming short of breath as she spoke. “Who are you?” I asked her in a squeaky voice.

The girl smiled, and then pursed her lips in thought. “Anna,” she answered.

“Anna, get me out of here,” I begged.

She barked a short laugh of amusement. “Why would I do that, sweetie? Isn’t this what you always wanted? You want to die, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t. Please, Anna, help me.” The air in my lungs was fading to nothing as I took shallow breaths.

She put her finger close to her lips and shushed me. “It’s almost over, my sweet.” She whispered close to my face.

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