Chapter Twenty-Seven

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So it's a whole lot later than I planned, but I did promise to have a new chapter up tonight and I did it. The reason it's so late is because I got my hair done today, and it took like five and a half HOURS!!! It looks good but I still have to go back in a week because now the color is way too light. Like, the top of my head is white! Anyways, here is chapter 27. I extended on it a bit to make it longer, that's another reason it's taken me so long to post it. I hope you guys like it :)

This time when we made our way through the crowd, some of the people moved out of our way as they saw us coming. Pierce the Veil was still playing on stage, but we had stolen the attention of a few people as we waded back to the front of the crowd. Pierce the Veil ended their final song not long after and announced once again that they would be playing "King for a Day". "Hopefully, we'll actually finish this time," Vic joked, keeping his eyes on me and winking as he laughed. I shook my head at him and rolled my eyes.

Kellin came back out onto the stage. He apologized and briefly explained that he didn't want to see any of his fans get hurt. Judging by the death glares some girls nearby were sending me, I don't think they believed him.

"Jealous much?" Kris said in my ear, making me laugh.

Pierce the Veil began the song again, and this time they finished it. No one was swept into the mosh pit, and everyone jumped, danced, and screamed along to the music just the same.

Once the song was over, PTV said goodnight and Kellin brought out the rest of Sleeping with Sirens. Screams and cheers erupted from every direction. My own cheers were thrown into the mix as well. Just because I knew the band on a personal level, didn't I wasn't still a huge fan.

The band was incredible. Even more amazing than when Kris and I saw them in L.A. Hearing them live like this was indescribable. The energy in the room was like fire. It was burning the whole stadium. The music was pounding. My heart was thumping in time with Gabe's drum hits. A smile lit up my face as my hands were raised in the air, and my feet barely touched the ground before they were back in the air again.

On stage, Kellin was singing with everything he had in him. I could tell by the way his face turned red and the smile he had when he looked out at the crowd. I loved seeing him this way. Here, he was in his element. This was exactly who he was, and I loved every big of it.


The concert was almost over. By now, just about everyone was drenched in sweat, and the room was so stuffy it was almost hard to breathe properly. The guys were resting a little on stage before they played their last song.

Kellin took a drink of water before speaking. "Before we play our last song of the night, I want to play a brand new one for you guys." Screams erupted from the crowd. Kellin smiled at their reaction. "Don't get too excited just yet. I don't know yet if we're putting it on an album. It's a bit of a stretch from our other songs, so you may not like it as much. It's meant to be acoustic only. Do you still want to hear it?"

Everyone cheered and Kellin motioned for two stage hands to bring out two wooden stools. He sat in one while Jack sat in the other with an acoustic guitar on his lap. "Alright," Kellin started, "So I started writing this song about two weeks ago for someone very special to me. It took some time to get it the way I imagined it, but I think it's finally where it needs to be. I was hoping you guys could give me some feedback before I play it for her." The crowd screamed in approval. "Alright then," Kellin brought his eyes down to meet mine as he said, "This goes out to her." 

Jack started to strum on the guitar, and the crowd grew eerily quiet for this type of atmosphere. Kris reached over and said in my ear, "I told you he loved you."

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