Chapter Forty-One

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My apologies for the delay, friends. It really should not have taken me this long to get this short update out to y'all, especially since I'm on summer vacation. The only thing I can say to you is I'm sorry. I just kept getting stuck every time I tried to write. Hopefully, though, I've managed to break out of my funk and I can get more chapters out to you guys much faster now. Here's to hoping! Enjoy chapter 41, even if it is really short.

My eyes opened slowly to find dim sunlight peeking its way through the curtains in front of the window. I rubbed my eye and yawned. I could feel Kellin's arm still draped over my waist and hear his soft breathing against the back of my neck. A smile broke out across my face as I turned to look at the sleeping man beside me in bed.

The clock on the bedside table said it was past eight. I was already running late for school, and I still had to go back home to get clothes. Carefully, I tried to slide out from under Kellin's arm without disturbing him.

My attempt failed as he groaned in his sleep and tightened his grip around my waist. His strong arms pulled me back against his chest. "No," he muttered in my ear.

"What about school?" I asked half-heartedly.

"No," was the only answer I received, along with another tight squeeze around my stomach.

A warm, fluttery feeling filled my chest. Who was I to argue with him in his sleepy state? Besides, I didn't ever want to leave this bed as long as Kellin was holding me this way.

With a smile still on my lips, I settled back into the warm bed and snuggled closer to Kellin. He chuckled softly and buried his face in my neck, planting a soft kiss there in the process.

I was just about to fall back asleep when someone started banging on the door. Kellin and I groaned in unison as the perpetrator kept banging. "Go away," Kellin hollered at the door.

The knocking stopped just long enough for us to hear a voice call out, "It's me. Open the door, fuckers!"

Kellin and I shared a look. He gave me an apologetic smile before pulling back the thick duvet and walking to the door. I watched Kris barge into the room with a duffel bag in her hand before I pulled the blanket over my head and groaned loudly enough for her to hear.

A second later, Kris had entered the bedroom and torn the blanket from me completely. I looked up at her with the most evil glare I could muster. "Glare at me all you want, I brought you a change of clothes and bathroom essentials; including make-up remover. You look like a raccoon." She tossed the duffel bag at my feet.

"I hate you. Now go away and let us go back to sleep." I reached down for the duvet and pulled it back over my head.

"No," Kris ordered, pulling the blanket back once more. "Get up and get ready for school. It's the last day, remember?"

I sat up in the bed and pouted at her.

"It's only one more day, Taylor," Kellin told me from where he stood in the doorway. He smiled at me sweetly, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Fine," I say begrudgingly, jumping down from the bed and going towards the bathroom, duffel in hand. I caught Kellin's eye as I passed him. His previous smile had faltered and he was looking at me with a different expression I couldn't place. I tried not to think of it as I entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Kris had packed me a white tank top, my Pretty Reckless crewneck, skinny jeans, and my Vans for clothes, my make-up bag and flat iron. I threw on the clothes and went to work with my make-up. After washing off the remaining smudges of last night's eye-liner-Kris hadn't been lying; I did look like a raccoon-I applied a new layer.

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