CHAPTER 2- The Crescent Moon

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You stare at the window filled with tattoo designs, your eyes locked on a specific design. A moon crescent that has vines circling around it, leaves laying on those vines. You can't get your eyes of the design.
The door opens and a tall handsome gentleman steps outside noticing the eyes that can't stop glaring at the window.
His black silky hair, his silver ear piercings and his smooth skin glowing. He stops and looks at you.

"you interested?" he said.

As you turn to look at him, a gush of wind blows right past you swaying your hair around, your bright red lips shining under the sunlight

"and you are?" you implied, giving a smug look at the gentleman's face. Your bitch resting face staring into this man's soul.

"woah there" claimed this man.
"No need for this wonderful attitude"
Something catches your attention.
You gaze at this man's neck. Its a falcon. A beautiful one. You both gape at eachother without a single blink.

"you interested in my pretty face?" smirked the man.

"you want a slap on your 'pretty face'?" you grumbled.

The man smirks at you, giving you an intimidating look but it doesn't affect you at all, still the same resting bitch face.

"whats your name?" asked the man as
You still stare at this man's throat and aren't interested in anything he says.
You then tilt your head up and glance at him.

"you do tattoos?"

He then scoffs and looks at you and bursts out in laughter. The look on your face changes as you seem confused.

"why don't you come in?" he implied

He turns around walks back inside and you after him. As you walk inside you look around and see all the designs on the walls. Surprisingly most of them are flowers, but they don't look like the usual ones. They are much more interesting.
You look around seeing many beautiful designs, so many flower designs that are drawn differently. You see a vase with vines hovering around it. A lot of these have vines around them. It seems weird but they're eye catching.
The handsome man turns around to look at you,

"what do you want princess" he grinned.

"weirdo" you mumbled under your breath. Pointing at the window, your hands locked on the crescent moon,

"that tattoo design" you said in confidence. "i want it"

He turns to look at it. Something about his face says that he doesn't like it. He glares at it with a face that seems he's too bothered about it.

"why?" he questions

"why is that any of your business?" you challenged

He scoffs and walks towards you and starts laughing.

"okay" he replied "follow me"

You start to follow him as you walk through a door and end up in a hallway, the tension between the two is firm but awkward. Its not like its your fault. You have such a rude personality. You don't like anyone. You just want to do things your way without wasting your time.
People always thought why a beautiful stunning women like you is Cold all the time. You always refused to make friends since you thought it was a waste of time. People were always too scared to approach you since you always seemed intimidating. You are 22 years old, still young but feel like you've been alive 100 years. You're still walking but you are too deep into your thoughts.
The man suddenly stops in front of a door and you bump into his back.

"can't you walk like a normal person?" he queried.

You look up only for him to see your face that screams "i don't give a fuck"

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