CHAPTER 12- Never Ending Fight

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It's been couple days since rescuing Ki and have not yet heard from Pablo.
He must be dead since you threw the grenade in the room.
If he was, wouldn't you be exposed?
But he also could of lied.

You've switched Hotels since the incident just in case anything happens.
Jimin was too keen on staying with you guys until you chose to go back to korea.

Its a beautiful, sunny Friday morning.
All five of you sitting down in the Hotel restaurant for breakfast.

"You guys don't need to stay here with us, go back to korea already, we plan to stay longer anyways" you roll you eyes.

"You see we also don't plan to go back so soon" Jimin smiles.

"Whos 'we'?" Jungkook interrupts.
"I have a life"

"Oh Im sorry that we don't have a life" you say sarcastically.

"Why don't you just take the plane ticket and go home?" Ki suggests.

"He can't go without me, I have the tickets and i don't want to go back yet" Jimin implies.

"Can we just order food. Im starving?" Kay interrupts the conversation.

A waiter approaches the table and pulls out his Ipad.

"Puis-je prendre votre commande?" asks the waiter showing hand signs so they understand.
(Can i take your order?)

"Ill have French toast with Jam and Tea please!" Ki beams.

"The breakfast combo" Kay licks his lips.

"A croissant for me!" Jimin smiles.

"Et madame, que puis-je obtenir pour vous et votre petit ami?" Questions the waiter looking at you.
(And Madam, what can i get for you and your boyfriend?)

"Ce n’est pas mon petit ami ! Vous êtes aveugles?!? Ne me fais pas pousser un putain de croissant dans ta salope de gorge!!!!!!" you shout standing up.
(He's not my boyfriend! Are you
people fucking blind?!? Don't make me shove a fucking croissant down your throat bitch!!!!!)

The waiter drops his Ipad to the ground in shock.
His mouth wide open.
As you sit down he quickly picks it up and hurries away.

"Geez girl who pissed in your coffee this morning?" Ki jokes around.

"what did you even say to him" Kay curiously asks.

"I told him I wanted to strangle you and burn your fucking face with coffee" you say smiling.

"Maybe you should start saying nice things to people" Jungkook fake grins.

You tilt your head to look at him and quickly grab the butter knife swinging it at him heading for his neck but he suddenly grabs your rist stopping you from doing so.

"It won't be easy getting the falcon"
he brags.

"are you challenging me?" you scoff.

"You know what. Yeah" he says confidently.

"First one to get a knife touch against the others Neck wins" you challenged.

"And what does the winner get?" he asks.

"The loser has to do everything the other says for a whole week" you bleat.

"your on" he lets go of your rist.

"oooooo a challenge" Ki croons.

"come on guys one of you will end up getting hurt" Jimin sighs.

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