CHAPTER 32- Back In Business

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Waking up, you feel arms wrapped around your waist.
Slowly blinking, you glance up and see Jungkook's face.
He's still asleep.
As you look around, you notice you are laying on his lap.
Your eyes widen.

"AHH WHAT THE FUCK" you shriek sitting up but falling onto the ground.

He starts to wake up after hearing a loud bang.
Looking at you, he itches his head.

"Why the fuck were you touching me?" you snarl.

"What?" he squints his eyes looking confused.

Ki, Jimin, Pablo, Ji-hun and Sebastian enter the room in a rush.

"What happened?" Ki says with a worry.

"Nothing" you roll your eyes getting up from the ground.

"Enjoyed yourselves?" Sebastian laughs.

"What?" you grouse.

"Come on, you've been sleeping for hours, let's go" Jimin sighs.


At Pablo's club, you're all sitting down at his office planning your next move.

"Let's just kill them now" you roll your eyes.

"No not yet" Jimin blurts.

"Why?" Ki questions.

"We need Something from Malcov first" He implies.

"Oh so it's that 'Information' you need" you say looking at Jungkook.
"So what exactly is the information
you need?"

"He has notes on all of us. Everything about us including our identities" Jungkook explains.

"What do you mean?" Pablo questions.

"Me and Jimin overheard Song min talking with Baek-hyun. They were talking about how if we ever betrayed them in some way, they'll release the information to the FBI" he continues.

"The fuck?" you frown.

"Why us too?" Ji-Hun interrupts.

"Everyone at ELIMS, The Lions and The cobras" Jungkook sighs.
"Since now we know Both Malcov and baek-hyun are working together, even your boss could be working with them"

"No there's no way beacuse my boss Mark has never had a connection with any of your companies" Sebastian denies.

"Well you never know, he might now, why do you think they have it on all three companies?" Jungkook adds on.

"Listen to me Sugar pumpkin pie, what has this got to do with me? I'm not in any of the companies, I'm my own boss" Pablo scoffs.

"Because your stupid ass got involved with us in France AND you worked with Malcov LIKE Sebastian" You condemned.

"That my darling, was a lie. I would never work with Malcov. I just used his name" Pablo laughed.

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