CHAPTER 15- Rose

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You start blinking at him continuously until you quickly get up.

"What?" you scoff.

"Nothing" he sighs as he leaves the room.

You walk out right after him with Bong following you.
As you walk downstairs behind him eyeing him with a suspicious look, he stops midway and turns around.

"You're following me because?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Because im going to fucking leave" you finish off the sentence mocking his voice.

He scoffs as you walk straight past him, Little cute Bong right after you.

"Might as well take him with you" he mumbles quietly but you don't hear him.

As you make it to the door, you reach for the handle until you hear Bong bark beneath your feet.
You turn around to look down at him, picking him up you smile again.

"You should Come get your dog before I kidnap him" you shout from the distance.

Jungkook comes out of the living room and walks towards you.

"Looks like he likes me more then you" you smile.

He rolls his eyes and takes Bong away from you.
As you open the door to walk out you hear Jungkook saying "thanks" from the distance.
You scoff and then leave the house.


*Malcov POV*

You're sitting down in your office going through some paper work until You recieve a phone call.
You put the papers down and answer the phone putting it to your ear.

"Yes?" you answer.

"They made a move today in ELIMS, they found it and got in. Seems like they have met assassin Zen" informs an unknown voice from the other side of the phone.

"very well. Thank you for letting me know. Anything else happened?" you question.

"No sir, thats all" He implies.

You hang up then phone placing it on the table, leaning back into your chair you sigh.

"Give me a break already" you complain.

*Jungkook POV*

Couple days later, you're sitting in your shop as usual, going through some papers.
You can't hear anything but silence, and that's what keeps you happy.
You've been on missions in the last couple days so coming back to your shop always takes your mind off things.
You glance up at the TV, as you hear the announcer talking.

"Yesterday morning the chairman of the makeup company 'ESPA' was found murdered in his bedroom. Police say that he was targeted and assassinated...."

You smirk as she goes on.

"That was an easy kill by the way" you mutter.

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