CHAPTER 38- Brother Like You

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The next day, you all gathered around at your apartment.
Sitting on the kitchen table, you all planned what you were going to do next.
You notice Rose coming out of her room.

"Damn can you guys not like have you murdering cult somewhere else?" she rolls her eyes as she walks by.

"Excuse you?" you look her up and down.

"What?" she acts dumb.

"Girl you better fix up your attitude before i fix it for you myself" you scoff.

"Damn okay miss girl" Sebastian laughs.

"At least I'm going to heaven" she says walking away.

"Bitch i swear-"
You try to blurt out before Ki pulls you back down.

"Okay" Jimin interrupts.
"So we're going to do this now"

"I don't like the fact that i have to ask Malcov out for a drink" you squint your eyes in disgust.

"We just need the fingerprint" Pablo mentions.

"Still" you frown.

"I mean i thought about it and if the files aren't in his cabinets then it must be on the computer and we need his fingerprint" Jimin sighs.

You take in a deep breathe and sigh before taking your phone out.
You start typing a text to Malcov asking him to meet you at Pablo's club.
He doesn't know about Pablo's club so you should be fine.

"Okay done" you say placing your phone on the table.

"Once we get that fingerprint, we move" Jungkook states.

"Ooo bubbles" you say staring at your phone.

"Why does it take so long for him to type" Ki frowns.

"He's like what? 50? So his hands must be shaking" Sebastian laughs.

"The guys 40" you squint your eyes at him.

Looking down, you see that he replied.

"Bet" you read out the text.
"All that typing for a three lettered word?" you scoff.

"Alright let's go" Ji-hun says getting up.


Sitting in the lounge in the VIP section at Pablo's club, you're on your phone waiting for Malcov to come.
Looking over to the side, in the distance you see Pablo waiting in the corner.
You nod at him before looking back down.
The rest of the guys are in the car.

"Aren't you supposed to be on vacation? Weird how you asked me for a drink" Malcov says walking in.

"Oh hi" you smile putting your phone down.

"Hi?" he scoffs.
"Normally you'd bust my door open in my office and start screaming"

"Haha funny" you say sarcastically.

"Can we get some wine" you click your Fingers at the waiter.
"My favourite please"

"Hm so you a VIP here?" he questions.

"Yup" you answer.

The waiter comes back with the wine and glasses and starts to pour it.

"So what do you want?" he asks as he takes the glass into his hand.

Perfect, now you have a fingerprint to use.

"Is there a possibility that you can raise our salary?" you awkwardly ask.

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