CHAPTER 39- Million Dollar Collection

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A week went by and now you're back to working.
You, ki and Rose left the city for a while then came back.
Pablo got the fake finger ready and you're finally ready to move.

Standing in the Car park as usual, you're all going over the plan once again.

"So Ki is going to distract Malcov while Y/N and Jungkook get what we need okay?" Jimin says going over the plan.
"Me, Sebastian, Pablo and Ji-hun will be outside waiting"

You all nod before making a move.
Heading over to the back of the building, you stop by the wall.

"We're going to climb?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows.

"I mean how else are we going to get in without Malcov seeing us" you roll your eyes.

Gripping onto the wall, you start climbing up, Jungkook right after you.
Going past each floor, you try to avoid the employees from the window.

"Is this how you snuck into SMILE" Jungkook scoffs.

"Yup" you blurt.

Making it to the 10th floor, you stop by the window.
Looking into the room, you see Malcov talking with Ki.
She notices you guys and goes over to Malcov and pulls him out of the room with her.

"Great this is our only chance, let's go" you say sliding open the window.

As you both jump in, you head over to his computers and hack into it.

"Go check the cabinets while i check the computer" you whisper.

"Why does he have like 60 keys" he grunts.

Searching through the files, your eyes lock on a certain file.


"What the fuck is this?" you mumble to yourself.

"Enter fingerprint" says the women's voice.

You take out the fake finger and place it on the scanner.

"Access Granted" she says as the light turns green.

The file opens and so many names and faces pops up.
Scrolling down your eyes widen.

"Son of a bitch" you mutter.

"What did you find?" Jungkook questions as he goes through the cabinets.

"He knows we're working together, the fuck?" you scoff.

"What?" he says as he walks over.

"Look, he has the info on all of us, like you said" you point at the computer.

"What a bastard" he grunts.

"What do we do? We can't just delete it, he'll know" you sigh.

"Delete it, we can't risk it" he implies.

You click delete and all the files start to disappear.
Jungkook goes over, locks the cabinets and places the keys on the table.
You hear footsteps coming towards the room.

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