CHAPTER 44- Byul's Secret

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Making it to the top of the stairs, you run onto the roof and look around.

"Did we lose him?" Jimin queries.

"Shit" you mutter.

Pacing around, you notice a black bag behind on the the walls.
Slowly walking towards it, a man jumps out and punches you making you stumble backwards.

"Fuck" you grunt.
"JIMIN GET HIM" you shout as he starts to run away.

"On it" he says running after him.

"Ahhhh fuck my nose" you mumble as you wipe the blood off.

Running to the edge, you look down and notice the man jumping off onto the floor.
Jimin follows him as you jump off too.
Hitting the ground, you walk over to notice him running out of the carpark.
Luckily, Jungkook tripps him up making him fall to the ground.
As soon as you catch up, you kick him in the face making him yelp.

"You bastard, if something happened to my precious nose, I'll break every fucking bone in your body" you snarl.

"Got him?" Jimin says catching up.

"Let's see who this murderer is" Jungkook says taking his mask off.

"Who are you?" you frown.

"I only did what i was told to do" he grouses.

"You fucking killed my friend ON HER WEDDING" you grit your teeth.

"Who sent you?" Jungkook interrogates him.

"You think I'm going to speak? HAHA" he laughs pathetically.

"Oh so you're looking for a death wish?" you scoff.

"Answer his question, who sent you?" Jimin repeats.

"I rather die then tell you Assassins" he laughs.

"See, i told you, once one person finds out who we are, THE WHOLE WORLD DOES" you laugh along.

"Well then you can come with us" Jungkook smiles.

"No, he's exactly like that stupid pastor, kill him" you grouse.

"Well that's why we're taking him, I mean you want to do it here?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows.

"Oh shit" Jimin mumbles.
"The police are here, quick, let's go"

"No, I'm not going anywhere" he refuses.

"I dont think you have a choice asshole" you grouse.

Jungkook grabs him by the collar and drags him to the car.


At the warehouse, the guy is tied up to a chair, doesn't seem bothered at all.

"So" Jungkook says pulling out another chair and sitting in front of him.

"In your dreams" he snarls.

"Listen here bitch boy, we don't have all day, talk or we throw you in the river" you roll your eyes.

"Go to hell" he grumbles.

"We'll spare you if you talk" Jimin smiles.

"Oh darling, I've been in this situation too many times, I'm not stupid" he Chuckles.

"Good, so talk or you die, Painfully" Jungkook grins.
"Who sent you and why?"

"Your dad" he spits on the floor by Jungkook's feet.

Jungkook looks down before looking back up and throws a punch on the man's face.

"Who. Sent. You" he grits his teeth at him.

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