CHAPTER 21- Trouble

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*Jungkook POV*

Sitting down in Baek-hyuns office, fiddling with your hair, the room is awkward and silent.

"So?" Baek-hyun turns his chair around facing you.

"So what?" you RE-question.

"Why aren't ACE and Ruby dead yet?!?!?" he grumbles.

"If you really think this job takes only two days, then ask someone else to do it" you roll your eyes.

"You know i can't do that" he complains.

"Mmm no i don't" you disagree

"You are our best Assassin, jobs never take you this long" he groused.

"That's because you usually give me Intel" you frown.

"The next time you come here i want to hear you tell me that she's dead" he

"I'm the one doing the job" you say getting up from the couch.
"Not you"

As you're walking to the door, you hear him scoff making you smirk.

After leaving the building you close your eyes and sigh.
Moments later you open them up again seeing Jimin standing right in front of you making you jump back a bit.

"Dude" you grunted.

"Jk" he smiles.

You roll your eyes and walk to your car with Jimin after you.

"Lighten up JK" he whines.

"What makes you think Im not in a good mood?" you raise your eyebrows.

"I don't know" he says as you both get into his car.

"Boss is really starting to piss me off with the whole assassination thing" you start to get annoyed.

"What can i say. Its always been like that" he sighs.

As you start driving, Jimin turns to look at you.

"How does Y/N know Zen?" Jimin blurts out.

"Are we really going to talk about this again?" you whine.

"yes" he answers.

"Zen is like us. He lives under a fake identity too. He probably knows her from his social life" you try to explain.

"He literally killed Kay in front of the both of them" he says sternly.
"This is supposed to be some kind of coincidence? And now she's a murderer for killing Zen. I never knew she would actually kill someone"

"Well now Zen's dead. Less burden" you try to joke around.

"This isn't funny Jk" he grumbles.
"Now we'll never know why Zen killed Kay"

You sigh and focus your eyes on the road.

"I feel really bad, they must've been that close that it made Y/N kill Zen" he grieved.


After you dropped Jimin off, you made your way back to your apartment.
Sitting down in your office, going through some files, you hear the door bell ring.
It can't be Jimin because he knows the door code so it must be Sebastian or one of your friends.
Getting up from your seat, the bell continues ringing.
As you walk to the door, you open it seeing Y/N standing there.
Her head on the wall beside the door continuesly Ringing the door bell.
You notice her Red cheeks.
She's drunk.

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