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As you came back into your apartment, you were greeted by Ki.
She looked down on confusement.

"You got out to buy painkillers and come back with a dog?" she questions.

"It's Jungkooks dog" you roll your eyes.

"Why do you have it?" she asks.

"I went to get my purse and his friend told me he was sick so i kind of felt bad and said I'll look after the dog for a while" you explain.

A huge smile comes to her face, bringing her lips together trying not to laugh.

"Oh my God eeeeeeeeee" she squeals.
"Something is going on between you two and-"

"SAY ONE MORE WORD AND ILL SLICE YOUR THROAT" you cut her off shouting.

"Okay Miss Girl" she rolls her eyes.

"Anyways he's called Bong and-"

"BAHHAHAHAHAHA BONG?!?!?" she bursts out laughing cutting you off.

"Its a cute name it just doesn't suit the owner" you roll your eyes.

"Im sorry 'Bong' is just" she continues laughing.

"Ugh whatever. So any intel from the number?" you question.

"Kay is in the kitchen working on it come on" she says as she walks into the kitchen.

Kay is typing away as usual on his laptop, accompanied by Rose who's just annoying him asking too many questions.

"Kay what we got?" you imply.

He looks up and as he's about to speak, he notices Bong.

"A dog? Since when?" he looks confused.

"OH HES ADORABLE" Rose squeals as she runs and grabs him.

"Its Jungkooks, im just taking care of It for now" you sigh.

"The tattoo guy?" Rose asks petting him.

"yes" you sigh.

She looks at his collar that's around his neck.

"Bong?" she says picking it up.

"Kay?" you turn back to look at him.

"Oh yes, well i can't really say much.
Its really hard to track it, i mean all I know is that it's from this city Seoul.....but there isn't anything else. It must have been a burner phone" he explains.

"Fuck" you grunt.

"It can't be anyone else other then HIM" Ki says.
"I mean he's the one who blooming stabbed you"

"I thought of that but i wanted to know the exact location ugh" you huff.

"Sorry Ace" Kay rubs his neck.

"Not a problem" you smile.
"Ki we go back to SMILE today, we can't act suspicious. And you" you turn to look at Rose who's still playing with Bong.
"Look after the dog until we come back, feed him and DON'T leave the house. Kay you stay here and make sure she doesn't leave" you order.

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