CHAPTER 13- The Challenge

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Everyone is quiet, sitting down in the hotel room staring into space.
You're gazing through the window lost in your mind.

You start to notice Police cars pulling up in front of the hotel.

"uhhhhhh guys" you murmured.

"What now?" Ki whines.

"I mean. I don't want to make it into a big deal but like....." you stop.

"Y/N. What?" Ki sits up looking at you.
The other guys pay attention to you.

"The cops are here" you trailed off.

"WHAT?" Kay exclaims.

"Shit" Ki mutters

"Oh my god please tell me you wiped your finger prints of the men" Jungkook steps forward.

You suck in your lips.

"the weapons" you blurt.

"what about them?" Ki asks.

"GET. RID. OF. THEM" you quavered.

"The police will definitely be searching rooms, we need to leave right now" Jimin asserts.
"Kay, go check out of all our rooms before they come in quick!"

Kay nods, throws you the sniper bag and runs out of the door.

You grab all the weapons around the rooms and stack them up.

"Ki, go find a laundry trolly and bring it in here quick" you order.

She nods as she jumps up from the couches and runs out the door.

"you" you point at Jimin.
"go find a staff room, look for a cleaners uniform and wear it, there should be a room on every floor"

"Jimin is the name thanks" he says as he walks out.

You take out your grenades and kiss them.

"My babies" you sniffle as you add them to the stack of weapons.

"Weird" Jungkook shakes his head and walks out of the room.

Ki comes back in with a laundry trolly and you quickly stash the weapons at the bottom and cover them with towels.

"this should be good" you sigh.

Kay enters the room with a worried look on his face.

"Uh guys, they're already in the lobby" he says worryingly.

Jimin follows in behind him wearing a cleaners uniform.

"perfect" Ki laughs as she teases him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin Questions.

"Gone back to your room" you reply.

You look up at them.

"What you waiting for? Come on!" you raise your voice.

Ki goes into the bedroom and zips up the suitcases bringing them back to the room. She grabs other stuff and places them in her backpack.

You finish up hiding the weapons in the trolly.

"Listen. You got one hell of a Job" you look up at Jimin.
"Just leave through the backdoor and i BEG you don't get caught. If you do, see you in Jail" you sigh.

"Im more capable then you think" he smirks as he takes the trolly and  walks out.

You go into the bedroom and change into a tight black shirt with joggers and wear sunglasses.
You come out giving Ki and Kay glasses too.

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