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"Because i like it when you smile" he smirks.

"excuse me?" your eyes widen.

"I don't see you smiling" he raises his eyebrows.

You snear at him and slowly put on a fake smile as your mouth twitches from hesitation.

"You can go finish cleaning up after my last customer while i make a phone call. The first room on the right" he orders.

"What?" you exclaim as you couldn't believe your ears.
"I didn't say ill be your fucking servant"

"we agreed on the loser doing whatever the winner tells them to do and if you can't tell, I won" he smirks and walks past you.

"AHA" you pathetically laugh.
Your face turning red, clenching your fist. You lift your fist up hesitating to punch him but you throw it back down storming off into the hallway.

You walk into the first room and stomp towards the stool.

"A fucking week. Just for a week" you assure yourself and take in a deep breathe.

You start grabbing used tissues that have blood on them and almost gag as you quickly throw them into the bin.
As you're fixing up the room, you suddenly stop.

"What the fuck are you doing Y/N?" you question yourself.
"HAHA" you let out.
"What the actual bloody fuck am i doing?!?!?
"CLEANING UP AND FOR WHAT?!? you scream.
"No no no no. This is not happening" you say as you drop the stuff and walk out of the door back into the lobby.

Jungkook is speaking to a customer by the desk.
You walk up to him and slam the table with your hand making the customer flinch.
He doesn't even react as he looks up at you.

"I refuse to CLEAN for you. Especially for FREE!" you snap.

"Excuse me for a moment" Jungkook pats the customer as he grabs your hand dragging you into the hallway only letting go as soon as he shuts the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" he grouses.

"I refuse to clean up after YOUR shit" you smile.

"Im making you useful until Jimin comes here" he mocks your smile.

"Do i look like an object to you?" you scoff.
"When is he coming?"

"He should be here in an hour or so" he claims.

"AN HOUR?!? you raise your voice.
"No No. Its not happening" you shake your head.

"Did you forget who won the challenge and who makes the decisions now?" he bleated.

"I'm. Going. To rip. That. Falcon. Of your neck" you grit your teeth stepping closer after every word.

"Wow someone doesn't want to accept defeat and is trying to run away from the forfeit" he confided.
"So much for being in the Army"

you scoff in shock, your fists clenched up as you're hesitating to throw punches.

"Fine" you grit your teeth.

"Good. Now you can go stack books on the high shelves in room 2" he orders as he walks off.

"You seem to enjoy this too much" you give him a fake smile.

"I most certainly am" he replies.

Hearing those words made the smile leave your face back to its resting bitch face.

You throw the door open in anger and lock your eyes on some of the books in the room.
You look up at the shelves.

"That bastard" you mumble.
"How the fuck do i get up there Ha?" you ask Yourself.

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