CHAPTER 11- Frenchican

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You're Sitting in the van, staring into space, nothing is heard but silence.
A phone starts ringing.
Everyone glances at you as You take your phone out.

No caller ID

You sigh and look at everyone else, Jimin nodding at you, you pick up the phone and put it on speaker so everyone can hear.

"Who is it?" you ask.

"Parlez-vous Français?" a man speaks. He's clearly French.
(do you speak french)

"Oui" you reply.

"J’ai ton ami avec moi, as-tu ce que je veux?" he questions.
(I have your friend, do you have what i want)

"Oui" you repeat.

"Eh bien, vous ferais mieux d’être ici par 8 comme nous l’avons promis" he demanded.
(Well you better be here by 8 like we promised)

Jimin, Jungkook and Kay looking at you confused since they can't understand a thing.

"Laisse-moi l’entendre" you imply.
(let me hear her)

"Je crains que je ne peux pas faire cela" he asserts.
(Im a afraid i can't do that)

You breathe in before raging.

"Écoute-moi, connard, si tu ne me laisses pas entendre sa voix pour savoir qu’elle est vivante, je te trouverai et te tuerai de mes propres mains, puis tu t’ouvriras et tu enlèves tous tes tripes à farcir ton corps de coton avant de t’afficher chez moi, maintenant donne-lui le putain de téléphone pour que je puisse entendre sa voix!!!!!!! You scream down the phone.
(Listen to me you fucker, if you don't let me hear her voice to know that she's alive I will find you and kill you with my own hands then slice you open and take all your guts out stuffing your body with cotton before displaying you in my house, now give her the fucking phone so i can hear her voice you bastard!!!!!!!)

Kay's jaw dropped to the ground knowing you said something bad, Jimin smiling and Jungkook smirking at you.

"bien" he answers.

He hands the phone to Ki and you turn the phone off speaker putting it to your ear.

"H-hello?" Ki stutters.

You can hear her voice break down, knowing those bastards hurt her.

"Ki" your eyes water.
"oh my fucking Shit, you're okay" you sigh in relief.

"Y/N, im sorry i should of not left you, but these cock suckers came out of nowhere-"

"Tais-toi pute!!" the man hits her and snatches the phone back.


"Y/N, what's going on?" Kay asks looking worried.

You ignore him still focusing on the call.

"Mlle Ace n’oubliez pas d’être ici avec ce que je veux. Au revoir" he says.
(Miss ACE, just remember to be here with what i want, goodbye)

He hangs up the phone and you move it away from your ear.

He knows who i am?!
Shit shit shit what if i get exposed in front of these guys. Shit!
You think to yourself.

You rub your forehead in frustration.

"Y/N?" calls Jimin.

"Nothing, he's just calling to check if i have what he wants" you reply.

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