CHAPTER 35- Busan

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Heading towards the hidden room behind your closet, you type in the pass code and the light turns green.
Opening the door, you head inside to the wall that's plastered with guns.
Grabbing a revolver, you also hide a knife in your bra.

The door opens behind you.
Turning around, you see Ki walking towards you.

"Y/N please don't" she takes your hand into hers.

"I won't kill him, i know I can't, I just need him to tell me where she is" you snarl letting go.

"I'm really sorry about what I said, you know i didn't mean it, it was so stupid of me" she starts to cry.

You gaze at her for a moment before sighing.

"Did you put the picture in Rose's compartment?" you question her.

"Yeah" she lets out a small smile.

You pull her into a hug.

"Y/N i-"

She says before you break off the hug cutting her off.

"I said i won't kill him" you smile before walking to the door.
"I know you trust me"

After that you leave the room and head back into the living room.
Grabbing some Ammo, you head to the door.

"Y/N omg what are you doing?" Jimin sighs.

"I got some business to attend to" you smile.

"You seem to have forgotten that you don't do things on your own accord anymore" Jungkook says getting up and walking towards you.

"You're not going to order me around" you snarl at him.

"Do you even understand the situation we're in?" he grits his teeth at you with anger.

"I can fucking see that" you get close to his face.
"I said i got some business to attend to, now fuck out of my face"

"Oh you think you a boss now?" he scoffs.

"I'm the boss of myself bitch" you fume before walking out of the apartment.


Walking inside The Lion's building, you make your way to Malcov's office.
Opening the door, you walk inside to see him sitting down with some men.
As they all look up to see you, they immediately get up and bow.

"Get out" you say walking over to them.

They just stand there confused.

"GET THE FUCK OUT I SAID" you shout as they quickly rush out of the room.

"Y/N is there a problem?" Malcov questions.

You sit down on the chair opposite him and sigh.

"I'm only going to say this once okay?" you raise your eyebrows.

"Anything you want to know" he smirks.

"Where. Is. Rose?" you grit your teeth.

"I don't seem to understand what you're talking about" he looks at you confused.

"You payed off the cops in Australia to register her death and 'cremate' her to make me believe that she's dead. THERE ARE NO ASHES IN HER POT!" you shout at him.

"I should of put fake ashes in there huh?" he grins.

"What the hell did you do?" you squint your eyes at him.

"I sent my men to her apartment to pretend to kill her, left fake blood on the ground and took her. As you can tell, i have her" he explains.

"You sick bastard" you scoff.
"Where. Is. She"

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