CHAPTER 24- Shot Or Stabbed?

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"HAHA" he laughs.
"Imagine Miss ACE asking me for a favour?"

"You want to hear it or no?" you frown.

"After you tried to kill me?!!?" he furrows.

"Well you tried to kill my best friend and you think i was just going to stand there?" you scoff.

He stares at you for a good moment, squinting his eyes before speaking again.

"Okay let's hear it" he sits back.

"Assist in killing The Black J" you blurt.

"Oh wow" he smiles.
"Didn't expect that"

"we make truce. Only until he's dead. Then maybe I'll forget that you ever hurt my friend" you suggest.

"Hmmm" he places his hand on his chin.

"I just want a straight forward simple answer. Yes or No" you assert.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he grins.

"Why wouldn't i be?" you raise your eyebrows.

"I dunno like....i don't think you realise what you're doing" he laughs.

"What are you talking about?" you frown.

"Do you really want to kill
The Black J?" he asks with a serious look.

"And why wouldn't i want to?" you squint your eyes.

"Because he's more then you think?" he smirks.

"What the hell are you talking about? Listen i don't have time for this. Yes or No?" you grumble.

"Okay on one condition" he claims.

"What" you tilt your head to the side.

"I need someone dead. If you kill him, you got yourself a deal" he smirks.

"Who?" you question.

"Chairman Goo" he says without hesitation.

"You mean owner of Paradise Hotel?" you ask.

"Exactly. I don't really have anyone good enough to do the job as he is very 'important'" he explains.

"Deal" you take your hand out.

"Deal" he repeats shaking your hand.
"Use my men as much as you want" he smirks.

"Oh and we got partnership with The Cobras" you say getting up.

"The Cobras?" he tilts his head in confusement.

"Yeah why not?" you smirk.

"The top Assassin from The Lions made a deal with The Cobras?" he scoffs.

"I have my reasons" you say walking to the door.
"Oh yeah. Don't try anything stupid or I'll kill you" you smile walking out of the door.

As you walk back downstairs, the men stand aside letting you walk through.
Walking out of the club, you head to your car.
Once you get in, you sigh.

"Do i trust Pablo?" you mumble to yourself.
"Fuck no" you answer.
"But I'll use that fucker"


As you're driving through the empty roads, your eyes locked on a little figure running past the streets making you hit the breaks really hard. Your car screeches along the road as it stops.

"What the fuck was that?" you say quickly umbuckling your belt and getting out of the car.

You walk forward and notice a dog whimpering on the side walk.

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