CHAPTER 37- Trust

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The next day arrived and you're all Standing in a carpark near by The Lion's building huddled around together.

"So me and Ki will distract Malcov, get him out of of the office somehow while you guys look for what we need" you say going over the plan.

"What if we don't find it?" Jimin questions.

"Well that's on you because you guys were the ones who said Malcov has it" you scoff.

"we'll find it, just distract him for long" Jungkook implies.

"Sebastian, Ji-hun, you on stand by outside okay?" you assert.

They reply by nodding.

"Pablo" you call looking at him.

"I know I'll distract all the employees" he says rolling his eyes.

"Okay let's not waste time" you sigh as you all make a move.

"Y/N what about Rose?" Ki questions.

"Don't worry the guards are still with her" you assure.

"I mean you know Malcov...." she trials off.

"She's fine" you say putting your hand on her shoulder.

She smiles and nods as you start walking again.
Making it to the building, you look over at Jimin and Jungkook and nod before you walk in.

As you walk in, the employees bow at you as usual.
Walking to the front desk, the receptionist notices you and quickly stands up to bow.

"Is Malcov in?" you question.

"Sir Malcov? Yes he should be in his office" The women smiles.

"AHHH" Pablo shouts behind you.

You both quickly turn around to notice him shouting in agony on the floor.
The employees quickly run to him.

"Oh my God, he should audition for a movie" you scoff.

"Sir are you okay?" one of the employees quaver.

"AH MY HEART" he wails.

"Dear lord" Ki mutters.

You notice him winking at you making you frown as you turn to the receptionist.

"Well?" you raise your eyebrows.
"Go see what's wrong"

She quickly gets up and runs over to Pablo.
Ki quickly leans over at the desk and grabs the building keys.
The keys open any room in the building.
She quickly runs back outside to give the Keys to Jimin and Jungkook.

"Is everything okay there?" you play dumb.

"He must be having a heart attack" the receptionist seems worried.

"Well call a fucking ambulance then, the fuck?" you grouse.

She nods and grabs her phone.
Pablo still laying on the floor screaming.
Ki comes back into the building.
this signals you to move upstairs.
Going into the lift, the door closes making you both sigh in relief.

"Dayum when was he ever that good at acting?" Ki laughs.

You smile as the door pings and opens.
Stepping out of the lift, you make your way to Malcov's office.

Opening the door to his office, you see him sitting down going through some papers.
He looks up and notices you and Ki standing by the door.

"Oh" he says dropping the papers down.

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