CHAPTER 27- Caught

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Couple weeks went by really quick.
You and Ki decided to stay low while you got better.
Malcov wasn't particularly happy but you didn't care since you knew he's
nothing without you.
Your injury is healing quickly but it would still hurt from time to time.
Sitting down on your kitchen table simping Soju, you and Ki in a serious conversation.

"Y/N are you sure you're well enough to do this?" Ki questions.

"I've always been" you smirk.
"So the plan is that we need to get into the smile building, Doing so we will need a fingerprint. So this here is
Gi Tan-woo" you explain placing a photo of a man on your table.
He looks around 25-30.
"This man is the Vice CEO of SMILE"

"But he also works with ELIMS right? Him being the vice CEO of smile drinks isn't really a biggie?" she asks.

"Yeah but we don't know what he does in ELIMS. We will need his fingerprint to go through the drink company's confidential files located in his office. And to do so we have to somehow get close to him.
you say placing a sheet on the table
"Is information about him. Family, friends, hobbies and whatnot. I had Ji-Hun follow him for a while and got me this report" you continue.

"He likes clubbing" Ki says reading the paper.
"He's a VIP at Harvey's. Oh great"

"He goes there often so maybe i can get close to him and somehow get a fingerprint off him. And after we do that, we sneak into the SMILE building" you suggest.

"But as ACE and Ruby?" she queries.

"We have no other choice. We were  employees there for a while, they'll recognise us, so ACE and Ruby it is. And if we have the chance we'll somehow get into ELIMS and see if we could get into his Bosses office, he must have everything there" you reckoned.

"Okay okay i see so...." Ki trails off as you both continue talking and talking, planning what you're going to do.

A while later, you start to finish up your conversation.

"Seduce him!!?!?" you exclaim

"Well i mean think about it. You're going to go to the club and then what, ask for his fucking fingerprint?" she scoffs.
"Get real close to him, seduce him and get a fingerprint off him" she initiated.

You take in a deep breathe before sighing.

"Fine. Whatever it takes to do this" you say getting up.
"We move today. It says here that he clubs on Fridays and Sundays.
Friday is our lucky day.
So while I'm there, go back to The Lions and get new weapons and outfits. We keep our masks though" you order.

"Okay Sis" she smiles getting up.

As you clean up the table, the door bell rings.
You both glance at the door then back at eachother.

"Open it" you mouth.

Ki walks to the door. As she opens it a middle aged man walks in with men behind him.
It's Malcov.
He grins at the both of you before walking into the kitchen.

"Your house still looks the same" he says looking around.

"We're not fucking architects to be changing up our apartment, the fuck?" Ki frowns.

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