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You're sitting down on the couch in your apartment. Your left leg folded over your right leg watching the news.
The anchor women is talking about the death of the ambassador.

"Ambassador Min sung-ho has been shot and murdered in an event he was attending on Friday night. Witnesses say he was making his speech until a bullet shot through his head and fell off the stage. The police have started an investigation and believe that he has been assassinated with a sniper"

You sigh and shake your head.
"it was him 100%" you claim

"who?" questions Ki

"who else? He was there that night remember?" you imply

"ohhh, The Black J" she reckoned.
"but how can we be so sure its him?"

You look at her and roll your eyes.

"dude. Hes an Assassin that has been hunted for, for years" you assure.
"and he was in the security area and the cameras caught him, there is no point in this investigation"

"so you're saying........"

You cut Ki's words off

"that the police already know its him but obviously don't know his identity and can't find him so they have to stall" you explained.

"oh, shit" Ki gasps

"anyways its not like i care, we have nothing to do with him and he's not our business" you disclose.

Ki nods and walks towards you.
She hands you an envelope.
You glance and her and take it from her hand.

"another job" she sighs.

"already? We just came back yesterday" you muttered.

You open the envelope and it take a look at the paper.
You flip it over and over again.

"its blank" you faltered.

"it only means one thing" Ki says.

You look at her and growl as your head falls back onto the couch.

"for actual fuck sake" you whine.

"it's fine lets just-

"NO!" you cut her off.
"its not. Eveytime we get these means we are killing big time and not only that we get side jobs in the same time, they can't just keep dumping shit on us when they have other assassins too. We AREN'T the only ones working for The Lions."

Ki glares at you in silence. She sits down next to you and takes your hands into hers.

"we will get this done Y/N, whether you like it or not. We aren't in control here. You do realise HE will kill your sister and my sick mother" she assures you.

You look at her in the eyes.

"I'm only going to do it for us and our family" you whisper in anger.

She smiles at you.

"remember when you first joined The Lions?" she asks. "you literally hated the fact that you had to work with me because you used go solo, but then you saved me that time and we became so close!" she beams

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