CHAPTER 19- The Death

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Couple of weeks went by and Malcov has become really impatient because there hasn't been any updates from the mission.
You haven't encountered The Black J since the day you fought him.
Its been too quiet recently which has become very suspicious.
However both you and Ki became very close with Kay. You'd see eachother everyday, from working with eachother to having meals and drinks together.


Shopping in Nike, you're walking around looking for new shoes.
You have a huge collection of them and can't stop buying their shoes simply because you're obsessed.
From the corner of your eye, you notice a man staring at you making you uncomfortable, so you walk over to the other side of the shop but he slowly follows.
He seems like a creep.
You glance at yourself in the mirror and notice that he's staring at you because of what you're wearing.
A Mini Black skirt with a off shoulder Chanel shirt and Black boots.

"I swear if he looks at me one more time, I'm going to pull both of his eyes out" you mumble.

Ignoring it, you continue looking at shoes until you feel someone's hand brush your butt. Feeling it, you quickly turn around and punch the man in the face, making him fall to the ground.
He holds his noise and grunts in pain.

"What the FUCK is your problem you pervert?" you exclaim.

"I didn't do anything are you stupid?" he hesitates as he gets up.

"You just fucking touched me you dirty pig" you grit your teeth.

"What?" he asks looking offended as he steps closer to you.

"Dirty PIG" you get in his face.

As he goes for a slap, someone stops him grabbing his wrist.
He turns around and the guy punches him.
You look up and see that Its Jungkook.

"30th time princess?" he smirks.

"You again?" you cross your arms.

The man gets up from the floor and grabs the back of your hair pulling you closer to him.
He pulls a knife out and places it by your hair.

"Back off or ill chop off her hair" he grouses.

"You'll FUCKING WHAT?!?" You scowl as you elbow him in the stomach making him let go.
You punch him again and again until he falls on the floor again.
As you staddle him, you start strangling him.

"Fucking touch me again and ill-"

Jungkook grabs your waist pulling you away from the man cutting off your words.

"Okay Chill now" he whispers as he notices people in the shop gathering around to see what's happening.

"No get the fuck off me" you grunt.
"Im going to Kill this disgusting creep"
You say as you try to let go.

The man gets up from the ground as starts coughing holding his throat.

"Crazy Bitch" he mutters.

"WHAT!!?!??" you shout trying to push Jungkook away.

"You fucking Dickhead. You touched my butt and now you try to act innocent? you Connard!" you scream.

"He what?" Jungkook asks.

"I Didn't do anything! She's lying!" he panics.


Jungkook pushes you into one of the employees as he walks to the man.
The employee grabs your arm making you stay in place.
He walks over and grabs the man by his collar.

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