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Sitting on the couch silently at Kay's warehouse. Tapping your fingers on the arm rest continuesly.
You seem stressed.
Nothing is heard except your fingers tapping and Kay typing away on his keyboard.
Ki walking back and forth, arms crossed.

"anything yet?" you question.

Kay turns his chair around.

"sorry ACE, its not that easy" he replies.

"its been one whole fucking week KAY" you snear.

His eyes widen, looking scared.

"sorry kay" Ki interrupts.
"this is important, we can't waste time, so we're just stressed"

"i get it" he says. "but we're talking about The Black J, if the FBI have been looking for him for years, what makes you think i can do it in couple days, i need more time"

You sigh and stand up.

"you don't leave until you find out what company ELIMS operates under" you order.

"Y-yes Ma' am!" he stutters

"me and Ki will head back to The building so we can get some fake ID's made" you assert.

"fake ID's?" Ki asks.

"when we do find out what company ELIMS operates in, we are going to apply for a job" you emit.

"you want us to work there?" she looks at you confused.

"that's the only way we find out The Black J's identity, he definitely has a fake job at the drinks company. He's definitely an employee"
You reply.

"ohhh nice" she comments.

"unless...." kay interrupts.

You both glance at him.

"go on" you say.

"working at the company might not be the best idea" he assures.

"what do you mean?" Ki asks.

"i mean think about it. If you work there. 95% chance you will get caught. they will find out who you are, and kill you both before you can even get to The Black J" he says.

You and Ki both look at eachother then back at Kay.

"okay Mr Sherlock. What do YOU suggest?" you question.

He then smiles and giggles. He waves his hand at you to come closer and whispers in your ear.
You and Ki's eyes widen.

"wait....." you stop

Kay and Ki both look up at you. You look back at them

"that might actually be a decent idea" you mention.

"YES!" kay jumps up in his seat with excitement.

"don't get carried away freak, we're on a mission" you mutter.

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