CHAPTER 50- Rest In Peace

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A while later, after all the passangers left the train, you started moving again. The train on it's highest speed.

"This is ridiculous" Ki mutters.

"You shouldn't have taken my belongings" Malcov smirks.

"Hey listen Malcov, go to hell you piece of green shit looking trashbag, go to hell" you snarl.

"Thank you" he smiles.

"Anyways, who's even driving the train huh?" Pablo queries.

"Oh no one is" Baek-hyun answers.
"We changed the tracks and the train is set to drive full speed off that cliff"

"Well that's amazing, you guys will just die with us" Jungkook scoffs.

"Oh don't worry about us" Malcov chuckles.
"We got a helicopter coming for us so you guys are going alone"

"Bastard" you mumble.

"So Y/N, hand it over now if you don't want to say goodbye to your sister" He grins.

You hesitate for a moment before handing it over to him.

"Great choice, don't worry, your sister will be in safe hands" he laughs.
"Because who else will plan your funerals?"


"Hey!" he exclaims.
"I'm half Russian, half korean, get your facts right"

"Russian freak" she mumbles.

"So" he says taking out his gun, followed by Baek-hyun and Mark.
"Make your way to the front slowly"

"Nah, we'll just die here" Jungkook refuses.

"If you say so" he laughs as they walk to the door.

You all stop to look outside after hearing a helicopter hovering above the train.

"Oh, that's our ride" Mark smiles.

"I hope it crashes" Sebastian comments.

"Oh i think you guys will be the only ones crashing" Baek-hyun jokes around.

"Suck your mum" you flip him off as they leave the cart.

As soon as the door closes, you all quickly huddle around together.

"So that's it? We're going to die like that? After everything we did?" Ki scoffs.

"No wait, i have a plan" Jungkook mentions.

"Anytime now" Jimin grouses.

"We shoot the helicopter down before they even get on, then some of us will try to stop the train while the others get rid of them" Jungkook explains.

"How the hell do you expect us to shoot down a blooming helicopter? With guns?" Ji-hun questions.

"Y/N" Jungkook calls.

"Ohhhhh" you nod realising what he means.

"Am i the only one that doesn't understand what the fuck you guys are talking about?" Pablo raises his eyebrows.

"The grenades" Jungkook blurts out.

"I always keep some with me" You smile.

"Really girl? Even on a vacation?" Sebastian scoffs.

"I mean, you never know what might happen anywhere" you roll your eyes.

"We got couple shots only, as soon as they get on, throw the grenades, at that moment, Sebastian, Jimin, Ji-hun and Ki will go for them and finish them off while me Y/N and Pablo will head to the front" he talks over the plan.

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