CHAPTER 45- Success?

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The next day at Noon, you woke up, had a shower and got changed.
Wearing Kay's necklace, you stroke it.
Holding it in your grasp, you pray before walking out of the room.

Walking Inside Rose's room, you see her laying down on her bed on her phone.

"Why aren't you in school?" you question.

"Feel sick" she mutters.

"Sit up" you order as you sit on the edge of her bed.

She immediately does so and hesitates to speak.

"Y/N about what i said last week-"

"It doesn't matter" you cut her off.
"Listen to what I'm going to say okay?"

"Okay" she nods.

"So" You start off taking her hands into yours.
"Later, me and Ki have a job to finish and I'm just going to say, whatever happens, happens okay?"

"I don't get what you're saying?" she looks at you confused.

"This job is kind of risky. we are going to get rid of Malcov for real and i promise after that we'll be free.
No more guards following you around, no more feeling scared and unsafe everytime you go out, okay?" you explain.

"I don't get it, we'll be free from Malcov? You'll kill him?" she questions.

"Don't worry about him or anyone else, and yes, free" you smile.

"Are you saying something bad might happen?" she frowns.

"I said don't worry about it but remember one thing, you have Ki" you assure.
"Just in case, Ki will always be here, and the guys will always protect you"

"Y/N are you going away or something?" she grieves.

"No" you chuckle.
"It's just in case sis, but please remember what i just told you okay?"

"Okay......" she trails off.

Pulling her into a hug, you whisper
"I love you" before pulling away again.

Getting up and walking to the door, Rose speaks.

"Why did Mum and Dad deserve to die?" she says making you stop.

Turning around, you smile.

"They weren't good people, I'll tell you everything when the time comes" you assert.

"No tell me now please" she insits.

"After i finish the job? When we get rid of Malcov, i promise I'll tell you everything you want to know" you say before walking out.

Heading over to the storage room, the men guarding the room bow at you as you walk in.
One man is inside watching Byul.

"Leave us for a moment" you say to the man.

He nods and walks out of the room.
Grabbing a chair, you sit in front of Byul.

"When do you plan to let me go" she snarls.

"After we finish our job" you smirk.
"But, you are the president's daughter, so you'll probably run to your daddy and tell him about us, but you won't though right? because I'll tell him about you working in a Assassin company"

"Bitch" she mumbles.

"You want to say that louder?" you laugh.

"Do you like Jungkook?" she questions.

"Ehhh Nah" you laugh pathetically.
"Do you?"

"We broke up" she scoffs.

"Just because you break up, doesn't mean you hate him, i mean, you keep coming back to him, and for what? You continue laughing.
"He doesn't like you"

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