CHAPTER 29- Exposed

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"What the fuck-" you blurt out before you feel something covering your mouth.
Your eyes start to become blurry as they shut slowly until you black out.


Slowly opening your eyes, you find yourself in a dark empty room tied to a chair.
Looking down you squint your eyes shut.

"Not again" you sigh.

Suddenly the door opens and you see The Black J entering the room.

"What the fuck do you want now?" you snarl.

Ignoring you, he grabs a chair and places it right in front of you.
Sitting down, he leans forward to you.

"We meet once again Kim Y/N, or shall i say 'Miss ACE'?" he gloated.

Your eyes widen as you frown.
You couldn't believe your ears.
Did he just call you miss ACE?

"What did you just say?" you scoff.

"You heard me. Now let's cut to the case" he changes the subject.

"No fuck you, i don't know what you're talking about" you grouse.

"Don't play dumb with me" he scoffs.
"I'm not stupid. Now why were you tyring to kill your own boss?"

"Go to hell" you whisper leaning closer to him.

He lets out a pathetic laugh and stands up.
He starts to slowly walk around you.

"You know when we caught you in the Vice's office, i could of just killed you then but i wanted to play a little" he laughs.

"Yeah fuck you" you spit out.

Suddenly, he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him.

"I can kill you any time darling so don't test my patience" he whispers in your ear.

"Then fucking do it pussy" you snarl at him.

He laughs then lets go off you and continues walking around you.

"I want to know why you tried to kill your own boss. So SPIT IT OUT" he interrogates.
He sounds so intimidating but it doesn't affect you in any way.

"Just kill me bitch" you growl.

He stops for a moment before grabbing the back of your head.
Cutting off all the ropes, you stand up.
You let out a small groan as he drags you out of the room.
Going up a couple of stairs, he kicks the door open and a gust of wind attacks you.
You're on the roof.
Dragging you to the edge, he pushes to you forward and bends you over the edge making your face facing the ground.

"Shit" you mumble.

Your hands are still tied so you can't move.

"Now answer my question before you take a lovely trip to your death" he grouses in your ear.

You laugh pathetically and breathe in gracefully.

"Just. Fucking. Push. Me. Off" you continue laughing.

He pushes you more forward making half of your body dangle off the edge.

"Fuck" you mutter squinting your eyes.

"Answer wrong again and the next push, you'll be falling to hell" he grits his teeth.
"Why were you trying to kill your own boss?"

"You're not going to push me off" you laugh.

"What makes you think i won't?" he laughs.

"If you couldn't push me into those blades the other time, what makes you think you'll push me off a 100 story building" you smirk.

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