CHAPTER 43- Disastrous Wedding

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After talking about the plan, you all came to a conclusion.

"So we good about everything?" Jimin asks.

You all reply by nodding.
As you get up, a letter is posted through the post.
Walking to the door and grabbing the letter, you open it up.

"Oh shit" you gasp.

"Don't tell me it's a letter of complaint again" Ki whines.

"No....a wedding invitation" you frown slightly.

"Dayum who" she says grabbing the letter.
"Fucking hell, Hayoon and won shik"

"Omg really?!??" you gasp.
"Ahhhhhhhh finallyyyy, they been together for years"

"Shit you guys got the invitation aswell?" Pablo questions.

"What do you mean aswell?" you squint your eyes at him.

"I'm close with won shik" he laughs.
"LooooooooL what a coincidence"

"Really? We known the guy for years" Ki beams.

"Yeah, we had some business together" he nods.

"wow, that's funny" you chuckle.

"Yeah, well it's on Thursday so we should go" he grins.

"Of course we will, we've literally been telling the dude to propose to Hayoon for ages now" Ki laughs.

"Cool, see you there then" he says walking to the door.

"You guys really want to go to a wedding a day before we murder the idiots" Sebastian scoffs.

"Yeah why not, it won't affect the job" you scoff back.

"Yeah do something fun before stuff gets serious" Jimin chuckles as they all head out.

"Later" Ki shouts as they all leave.
"Omg bitch, we need to buy new outfits"

"Girl we have WAY too many dresses" you falter

"No, let's go to the bridal shop tomorrow" she grumbles.

"Whatever" you grouse.


The next day, you woke up to your phone ringing again.

"UGHHHH" you grunt as you grab your phone.

"WHAT" you answer.

"BITCH DON'T SCREAM AT ME" Ki shouts over the phone.

"Okay but what do you want, I'm trying to sleep" you roll your eyes as you sit up.

"Just to let you know that I'm at The Lions right now, Malcov the bastard called me over to 'sort out' a Incompany murder, and he won't let anyone go until he finds out who killed the stupid receptionist" she explains.

"Fucking hell, everyone's turning on each other" you laugh.

"Ehhh, it was marely an argument but it got quite serious but blah blah, anyways just to let you know when I come back we'll go to the shop and oh yeah Rose is at the tattoo shop-"

"WHAT" you cut her off.

"Yeah i couldn't stop her, I'm too busy here" she sighs.

"For the love of God, this girl doesn't understand what Stay at home means" you growl as you get up.
"Anyways call me when you get home" you say before hanging up.

Having a shower, freshening up and getting changed, you grab your keys and jacket.


Walking into the tattoo shop, you see Jiwook sitting at the desk.
There are some customers looking around and some at the desk.
Walking towards him, he looks up and notices you.

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