CHAPTER 40- Sareng High

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The next day came by quick.
At the apartment, you and Ki finally received your packages of the new Weapons.

"Eeeeee I'm so excited" Ki squeals as she starts to open up her boxes.

"Ugh what's so special about stupid guns?" Rose grunts.

"Oh if only you saw class S weapons" you scoff.

Opening your boxes, you take out the new guns.

"Holyyyyyyyy" you gasp.

"Look at the knifes!" Ki exclaims.

"Girl the pistols and the revolvers are BEAUTIFUL" you beam.

"Oh wow expensive weapons" Rose says sarcastically as she walks to the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" you raise your eyebrows.

"To the tattoo shop" she smiles.

"I don't like you-"

"Have fun!" Ki shouts cutting you off.

She leaves the apartment with the two guards.

"Girl let her breathe a bit" Ki rolls her eyes.

"I did, and look what she did, she caused trouble" you scoff.

"She's still young" she sighs.

"Well she's going to turn 17 soon plus i found a good school. She's starting next week whether she likes it or not" you frown.

"Okay sis" she laughs.

"Ugh talking about that, i need to take her there today so she can get her uniform" you grouse.

"For now let's test these" she effuses.


Later on in the day, you made your way to the tattoo shop.

Walking inside, you notice the teenage receptionist sitting at the desk.
Walking over to him, he notices you and waves.

"Yo" you smile.

"Omg it's you" he lightens up.

"You like work here everyday?" you scoff.

"It pays good soooooo yuh" he chuckles.

"No school?" you raise your eyebrows.

"I work part time" he answers.

"What school do you go to?" you question.

"Sareng High" he replies.

"Oh that's where Rose is going to start at next week" you laugh.

"REALLY?!?!?" he exclaims.

"Ugh please don't fan boy too much over her" you roll your eyes.

"Everyone in the school knows her, she literally models for Chanel and Vogue" he scoffs.

"Oh great" you mutter rolling your eyes.
"Anyways what's your name?"

"Jiwook" he takes his hand out to shake.
"Park jiwook"

"Kim Y/N" you shake his hand.
"Also i want to ask for a favour"

"Anything" he says getting closer.

"Look after Rose yeah? Because let the people know, if anyone messes with her, I'll fucking murder them" you smile.

"Oh...okay" he trials off.

"But don't worry too much, she can fight" you chuckle.

"Okay don't worry Ma'am!" he says standing up straight.

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