CHAPTER 16- The Encounterment

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Tuesday came by so quick.
You and Ki went back to the SMILE building everyday trying to look for more information. There wasn't anything at all. After leaving the company, you both made your way back to the warehouse.

"This is utterly pointless, we can't find anything" Ki whines.

"How about we pay a visit to the CEO meeting today?" you suggest.

"We can't go like this" she says.

"We CAN but as Miss ACE and Miss Ruby" you smirk.
"when i eavesdropped that conversation, some guy told
The Black J to assassinate the CEO in the meeting, that's our chance to catch him and kill him"

Ki's face lightens as she sits up.

"waitttttttt that actually might be a good idea" she exclaims.

"Im for it" Kay interrupts.
"lets get this over and done with" he smiles.

"Get our suits and masks delivered to our apartment, ACE and Ruby will make an appearance today" you smirk ordering Kay

Back at your apartment Rose is minding her own business as usual.
She was always face timing her friends back in Australia. She was really moody because i didn't let her leave the house.
Once you entered the house, he was at the kitchen table going through the boxes.

"Whats all this?" she asks as she picks up the gun from the table.

"HEY" you grab it off her.
"Don't touch ANY weapons"

"Sorreeeyyyy Miss ACE" she sticks her tongue out.

You look into the box and notice your outfits and weapons.
You pick them up and smile.

"Sweet! I missed this!" Ki beams.

"We don't have much long, we need to head out now" you warn Ki.

You go into your room and wear your outfit.
seeing your reflection on the mirror made you sigh.
You're wearing a tight Black Leather bodysuit that zips all the way up but exposes your chest, your Black high heal boots matching the outfit.
And lastly, your skeleton mask that has a angry facial expression on it.

walking out of your bedroom, you see  Ki already dressed.
She has the same exact outfit but in Red of course, however she uses a mask with a bunny face.
Its a cute mask for her dirty works. Everytime you wear these costumes, you tend to smirk at eachother

"Ready Ruby?" you smile at her.

"Always. Ready ACE?" she questions back.

"Always" you mimic her.

"What are you guys up to? I know it's not good when you wear that" she frowns.

You walk up to her and place your hands on her shoulders.

"We'll be back" you let out a smile. A real smile.

You pat her back as you walk away.

"Kay will be here any minute" Ki says as she follows behind you.
Rose replying with a uncertain smile.

As you both enter your car, you put the ear piece device in your ear.
Luckily when you're both on a mission, you use a different car. A Black 911 torbo s Porsche. You can't risk using your personal car for the jobs.

"Okay ladies i have sent you the location. Good luck" Kay speaks into the device.

You both chuckle as you start the engine and drive off.


Stepping out of the car, you both look at eachother and nod, placing your masks on.
You parked far from the building to clear suspicion.
As you move to the back of the building, you see a lot of men entering the building.

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