CHAPTER 20- Traitor

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You haven't talked to anyone for days.
Haven't eaten or drunk anything.
After the incident in the warehouse, you left the apartment and haven't contacted anyone since.
Ki has been calling you nonstop, including so many of your friends.
Losing Kay has ripped you apart.
Even though you known each other for just under a year, he was really a brother to you.
His smile was everything.
Everytime he saw you his face would lighten up.
A man full of Joy had to leave the world like that, all because of ELIMS.
If it was only a dream.


It was the day of his funeral and you didn't speak to anyone since his death.


read the time, the time of his funeral.
You can't even face his family beacuse of the amount of Guilt you held.
Malcov put him under your team and you failed to keep him safe.

Walking into the Funeral house, you feel the dark atmosphere.
Family and friends all around the place.
Crying or talking, it doesn't feel good.
As you're walking down the hallway making your way to the room, you sense some eyes on you.
Your face is just lifeless. Bags under your eyes and the facial expression of a dead person, wearing a knee length Black dress with a black hat.

As you open the door, you notice Ki and your old friends sitting down by his memorial.
Jimin and Jungkook standing on the other side.
Closing the door had all of them turn around to look at you.

Ki's eyes widen as she quickly gets up.
Her eyes water as she sees the state of your face.

"Y/N..." she wails.

Ignoring her, you walk over to the memorial where there sits a framed picture of Kay with flowers and bouquets surrounding it.
His Body is to be moved to the church after the memorial where all the prayers will take place.

You sit down in front of the picture and gaze at it.
No one says a word as you continue gazing.
In the corner of your eyes, you notice his family sitting down in the corner weeping away.
You put your hands together and make a quick prayer before getting up again.
You walk over towards his mother and crouch down taking her hand.

"Can we talk elsewhere?" you whisper.

She slightly nods and gets up.
Following you outside the room, you both head towards the funeral house dining area and take a seat opposite eachother.

"I heard you guys were really close" his mother weeps.

Your face still as dead as a corpse trying to let out a smile.

"He was my number one fan" you say quietly.

His mum stops crying and looks up at you.

"You''re the Ace?" she questions.

You nod at her slowly.
Reaching into your pocket, you pull out his necklace and place it on the table.

"T-thats his favourite necklace!" she whispers loudly.

You nod.
"He died in my arms" you say as a tear runs down your face.

"Oh God" she tries not to cry again.

"He gave it to me...told me to keep it safe until the day i die like he and his best friend did" you explain.

"He told you about that?" she asks wiping away her tears.

"We were really close ma'am. But i think you should have it. He is your son after all. Since its his favourite thing, you as his mother should keep it" you continue.

She smiles and pushes the necklace towards you.

"If he told you to hold it until the day you die, then do it as his last wish
"Do it for my Kay" she sniffles.

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