CHAPTER 47- I Won't Regret It

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Coming back to the apartment with Jungkook, you make your way to the storage room where Byul is.
Walking inside, she looks up to see you both and throws a death stare.

"Shit girl, you need a nice bath....... In hell HAHAHAHA" you laugh.

"Dude" Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"WHEN AM I GETTING OUT?!?" She shouts.

"Patience is the key" you fake smile.

"They're all dead if you were wondering, Malcov, Baek-hyun and mark" Jungkook sighs.

"I know, Ki told me, you murdering bastards" she snarls.

"Well actually it was the grenade not me" You scoff.

"So? What's next huh? If you're going to kill me JUST DO IT!" she breathes loudly.

"Relax, i don't kill my victims too quick" you smile.

"Y/N" Jungkook says sternly.

"What? You're lucky I'm letting you live" you raise your eyebrows.

"So you're not going to kill him after all?" she grins.

"I have a better plan" you smirk.

"So here's what we're going to do" Jungkook says sitting down in front of her.
"You either leave the country quietly, go to America or something and never come back or stay here and get killed eventually"

"Are you being serious? I'm not going ANYWHERE" she grouses.

"I say we just kill the bitch" you say from behind.

"You're making the wrong decision by staying here" He implies.

"I don't care" she grunts.

"Well do know, if you run off to your dad and tell him about anything, You'll all be dead" he says coldly.

"Yes and I'll do the honour" you say stepping forward.

"What's the point anyway, Malcov's dead" she rolls her eyes.

"Good, now fuck off and don't think about coming back here or the club or anywhere really" you chuckle.

"Fuck you, and your stupid gang" she spits.

"Mmhmm" you say as the guards untie her.

As she gets up, she flicks her hair and walks out.

"UGH I HATE HER" you grumble.

"So do you plan to do this with everyone else?" he questions.

"Can't without them, can i?" you smile.

"Let's go then" he says getting up.


At the club, you're all sitting down in Pablo's office as usual.
It's an awkward silence because you all just said goodbye a while ago.

"Sooo........" Pablo starts off.
"Why we meeting again? Didn't we uh...... Uhhhh...... Split up?"

"Yeah about that" you rub the back of your neck awkwardly.

"We came up with a plan" Jungkook interrupts.

"I came up with a plan" you smile.

"WE came up-"

"I CAME UP WITH A PLAN" you grunt.

"Okay shit, does that really matter? Just say what the damn plan is" Sebastian grouses.

"Okay I'm just going to say it quick" Jungkook speaks quickly.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh what?" Ji-hun raises his eyebrows.

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