CHAPTER 30- Infiltrate

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Once you and Ki landed in Australia- Sydney, you immediately made your way to Rose's apartment.

Unlocking the door and walking in, the place is empty.
Pacing around the apartment, looking for her, she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Rose?" you call out.

No answer.

Remembering the phone call you had with her, you quickly ran to her closet.
Walking in, there wasn't anyone there.
In fact there was blood all over the floor.
Seeing that, it made you drop to the ground and yelp.

"Oh my fuck" you mutter.

Tears falling down your face as you slowly crawl towards the puddle.

"There's No way" you cry.
"Oh lord no"

You hear Ki come into the room and immediately hear a gasp.

"OH NO" she shrieked.

"Oh Rose what the fuck did they do to you" you cry smacking your head to the ground.

You continue crying on the floor before you feel Ki pulling you out of the room.

"Y/N listen to me, we'll kill those bastards okay?" she says wiping her tears.

You can't even look her in the eye as you sniffle away.


Sitting in the Taxi, the ride is utterly quiet and awkward.
Gazing outside the window, you remain silent.
You feel Ki rubbing your thigh to comfort you but your face is just as lifeless as it was the day kay died.
Seeing that the blood was still there broke you, those bastards hurt your only blood you had left, now she's gone.

Once you arrive at your destination, you both step out of the car and stand outside the police department building.

"You ready?" Ki says softly.

"Only one way to find out" you sigh as you both walk in.

Walking over to a officers desk, you're greeted.

"Good Afternoon" says the women in English.

"Hi, we came here because we're wondering if someone registered the death of someone" you reply in English.

"And what's the name?" she questions.

"Kim Rose" you force a smile.

"And what are you to this person?" she asks you typing on the computer.

"Her sister, Kim Y/N" you answer.

" says...." she trails off as she's clicking the mouse.

You lean forward more.

"Rose Kim...." she hesitates to speak as she looks at you with despair.

"It's fine just say it" you sigh.

"Her death has been registered" she implies.

Hearing that makes your heart drop.
That's it.
She's dead.
You scoff as you try not to cry.

"May i know under what name she's been registered by?" you query.

"Chief Son of Minyoungs police department has registered her death because she was found......dead in her apartment" she hesitates to speak.

"Shit" you mutter.

"Y/N I'm really sorry..." Ki whispers in korean.

"Where is her burial?" you question.

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