CHAPTER 36- Safe

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The next day, you're all Standing in the middle of the motorway staring at the sign that's at the side of the road.

Busan District-T

"So we made it to the district but where do we go from here?" Pablo sighs.

"Who knows" you raise an eyebrow.

Taking the photo out, you analyse the photo properly but nothing comes to your mind.

"Wait" Ji-hun frowns walking towards you.
"Isn't this place by Osan lake?"

"You know this place?" Ki questions.

"Yeah, I've been here before" he nods.


"Do you know exactly where it is?" Jimin joins the conversation.

"'s close by I think" he tilts his head thinking.

"Take the chance, let's go" Jungkook says going back inside the car.

You all nod and go back into the car.
Driving off, you're all minding your own businesses as usual.

"What are we going to do with the pastor? There's no point now since
Y/N went to see Malcov" Sebastian queries.

"We still use him, we need him to watch Malcov" Jimin implies.

"I still think we should kill him" you mumble.

"Miss girl keep dreaming" Sebastian laughs.

"Oh see the lake guys?" Ji-hun shouts from the front.

You all look up to see a gigantic lake.
The turquoise colour of the water is sparkling under the bright sunlight.

"Wowwwwwww" you all gasp.

"Dayum that's pretty" Ki smiles.

"Okay there should be some villas around here and I'm pretty sure your sis is in one of those" Ji-hun claims.

"Hope so" you roll your eyes.

"In the picture it was a garden full of flowers right? Just look for the villa with flowers" Pablo comments.

"We'll split up" Sebastian implies.


Jumping out of the car, you look around and see a bunch of villas surrounding the whole lake.

"Damn Y/N we should move here" Ki chuckles.

"All of these villas have flowers everywhere" Sebastian complains.

"Lets split up" Jungkook states.

Ignoring them all, you already start to walk off.

"Miss Moon don't go off on your bloody own" Sebastian shouts from the distance.

"Jk you go with her" Jimin whispers.

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