CHAPTER 9- Francais

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Its been two weeks since the incident and you were finally released from the hospital. You aren't fully healed yet but you're active enough to move around. Malcov wanted you back to work as soon as you got released. He's such a jerk but you're doing this for your younger sister and Ki's Mother.
No complaints since they pay well anyways.

You're sitting in Malcovs office with Ki staring into space while he's chatting away.

"okay Y/N?" he says.

You're in your own world, just gazing at the table in front of you.

"Y/N!" he breaks off your thoughts.

"huh?" you turn to look at him.

"I said you good now to keep moving?" he asks.

"yeah" you answer quietly.

"I need to see results very soon" he demands.

"this takes time, it's not a normal job" ki asserts.
"at least we found out who they operate as, we have our plan, it would be great for you to stop pestering us already, you're giving us a second job when she literally just got out of the hospital-"

"Ki its fine lets go" you cut her off.

"but-" she mutters

"come one" you cut her off again as you pull her to get up

"don't disappoint me" he comments as you're walking to the door.

You stop, turn around and glance at him.

"this is the second time already you told me that. If you really think we'll 'DISAPPOINT' you then get someone else to do the fucking job because im really not interested anymore" you raise your voice.

"Y/N" he says sternly.

"I don't even want to hear what you're going to say. You know what"
you grouse.

You shove your hand in your jacket looking for something, take it back out and stick your middle finger at him.

"take that and wait for results" you grit your teeth.

Ki's eyes widen as she looks away trying not to laugh.

He starts laughing and laughing until the laugh leaves his face.

"you're a funny one 'ACE'. As you wish" he implies.

You take Ki's hand and leave the room.

"O.M.G. You did not just flip off our boss" she starts laughing.

"I've been patient, he's pissing me off" you grunt.

You both leave the building and head for your car.
You unlock the door and get in letting out a huge sigh.

"France though? Really?" Ki questions.

"Its better then staying here because next time I see him i won't hesitate to punch him in the face" you rage.

"but he wants us to go to France tomorrow JUST to go fetch him some files like we're dogs AND we still have to Assassinate The Black J" she scoffs.

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