CHAPTER 4- "hes Dead"

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There is a tense moment between the two of you. As you stare right down at him, you think what is he doing here? Why is The Black J here? This isn't the right time for you yet.
You snap out of your thoughts and roll off him and stand up in an instant.
He then gets up glances at you.

"what the-" you blurt out but before you finish your sentence, shots are fired towards you and The Black J quickly Grabs your hand pulls you behind the wall. You are face to face once again.
You are inches from his mask.
You stare at him.

"just pull his mask off" you think

Before you can do anything, the shots are getting closer and he pushes you into the room and closes the door leaving him outside with the commotion.

"what the fuck was that" you mumble.

Suddenly you hear men fighting outside the door. Fists are going at eachother.

"ARGH" yells one of the men.
One at a time, the footsteps get quieter until everything has gone quiet. You slowly walk towards the door and reach for the handle.
Suddenly the door opens and a man drops right beneath your feet.

"what the hell?" you mutter.

You step over the man and enter the hallway.
There he is. The Black J, crouching on the floor searching one of the unconscious men's blazer. He hears your footsteps behind him and gets up to turn around and looks at you.
Your eyes are everywhere looking at all the men on the floor.
You scoff and look up at him.
He walks towards you until his mask meets your face. You don't show a single reaction.

he lifts his hand and places his finger on your mouth

"shh" he breathes and takes his finger away.
Why did he just do that?
He turns around and walks off with papers in his hands that he took when he was searching the man earlier.
You don't even utter a word or move. You just gaze at him as he walks away until he disappears.

"what the actual fuck was that" you say.

You hear more steps coming your way and you pick a gun up from the floor that one of the guards dropped and point it towards the staircase, the door opens and you click the trigger.

"Y/N!" whispers Ki.

Your heart drops as you are relieved.

"what are you doing here?" you ask.

She runs to you and hugs you tight. She looks back at you.

"you didn't come so i knew something was up" she says.

You sigh and look at her.

"The Black J was here" you assured.

"What?!?!??" she exclaims.

"I don't know why or how but when i was coming back i bumped into him"
You huffed.

"was this you?" Ki points to the floor.

"no" you puff. "he did it"

Ki grins and looks at you.

"what" you look at her pissed already.

"never mind" she giggles "come one before they wake up, the ambassador is about to start the speech"

You nod and both run towards the staircase, you run downstairs and out the door and back into the hallway, you pass through the laundry trolly once again, hoping its the last and reach for the door.

"okay act normal when we walk back in" you whisper.

"okay" she nods.

You open the door and everyone starts gathering to the middle, you're just in time, you walk past the guard slip his security pass back into his pocket.
You join the crowd and grab some wine and act like nothing happened.

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