CHAPTER 8- Secrets

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He aims the gun at both of you.

"Adios Amigo" he jokes.


He starts firing towards the both of you.
As you open the door and run inside a bullet hits Y/N on her stomach and lets out a small yelp.
You close the door quickly and she tumbles towards the chair.
You look at her, blood is gushing out.
Its dripping down her leg from the left side of her stomach.
Your eyes widen.

"shit" you panic as you run towards her.

The firing shots stopped.
She's holding on to her stomach moaning from the pain.
You take Your coat off and press it hard on the wound.

"AH" she grunts.

"that bastard" you grumble.

She takes out another grenade from her pocket and hands it to you leaving blood marks on it.

"Q-quick" she pants. "throw this at him"

"Another one?-"

"Quick unless you want him to put holes all over your body!" she cuts you off.

You snatch it from her and run to the door, pulling the pin out.
You quickly open the door, throw the grenade and swiftly close it and cover by the wall.
As soon as you take cover, it explodes.

Everything is quiet. You can only hear the sounds of Y/N breathing loudly. Shes sweating so much as shes losing blood.
Moments later you slowly open the door and the smoke starts to disappear.
He's gone.
You turn to look at Y/N and place your finger on your mouth, signaling her to keep quiet.
You step out in the corridor and glance at the floor.
There are trails of blood leading back into the lobby.
He must've gotten hurt by the explosion and quickly left.

You quickly go back into the room and Y/N has already lost consciousness.
You run towards her.

"oi" you shake her.

She won't wake up.
You check her pulse and she's still breathing, barely.
You pick her up into your arms and quickly head to the lobby.
Thank God the men have also left. They must have gotten away.
You take her to your car and lay her in the back seats.
You're about to get in the car when someone shouts your name.

"JK" shouts a guy.

You turn around and its Jimin running towards you.
He turns to look at the shop.

"what the hell happened here?!" he questions.

"I have no time to waste, I have to go now" you assert.

"I'm coming with you, i need to talk to you" jimin says as he gets into the back seat.

You hop in your car and turn on the engine and start driving.

"JK what the actual shit!?" jimin glances at Y/N who is laying right next to him. "whos this?!? What happened?!?"

You look into the drivers mirror.
"I had some visitors" you try to joke.

"who the hell is this women and why is the bleeding everywhere!?!?" he starts to panic.

"someone tried to snipe her from the roof. I don't know why but after we got in the shop, these men barged in the shop and demanded her but  she refused to go with" you start to hesitate.
"She threw a damn grenade out of no where and as we ran off, she got shot" you sigh.

"oh my Holy jesus" jimin mumbles.
"Jungkook do you know what you got yourself into?!?" he lectures you.

"Hyung! Now aint the time please" you shout.
"we'll talk later" you lower your voice.

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