CHAPTER 22- Y/N vs The Black J

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"Malcov what-?" you ask with your eyes wide open.

"Y/N Lovely to see you" he grins.

"Who's that?" Jungkook whispers into your ear.

"I'm a good friend of her late father" Malcov answers.

Jungkook replies by nodding.

"And who is this may i ask?" Questions Malcov.

"Why is it any of your business?" you raise your eyebrows.

"Your boyfriend?" he asks.

"YES EXACTLY He's my Boyfriend AND WHAT?" you say grabbing Jungkooks hand.

Jungkook blinks his eyes continuesly as Malcov smirks.

"Don't be too offended darling" he says sarcastically.

"Let's talk outside" you imply.
You turn to Jungkook.
"One minute" you say as you head outside with Malcov after you.

As you turn around the corner, you stop and turn around to look at him.

"What are you doing here?!?!? And how do did you know that i was here?!?!?" you whisper loudly.

"Oh Y/N" he sighs
"Who do you really think i am?"
"I can find out where you are wherever and whenever you go"

"Fucking creep" you roll your eyes.
"What do you want?"

"He's not really your boyfriend is he?" he smirks.

"Why is my social life any of your business?" you frown.

"I'm just interested. He's a fine looking gentleman" he smiles.

"Get to the point Malcov" you say sternly.

"There still aren't any updates from the job" he claims.
"I'm waiting"

"Well if you didn't realise, those fuckers Killed Kay so things are slower then usual" you snarl.

"I need progress. You do realise i can get men on your sister and Ki's poor sick mother-"

You grab him by his collar before he can finish his sentence.

"You piece of shit, if you ever lay a hand on them, I'll kill you with my own hands. Just remember you're nothing without us" you grit your teeth at him letting go.

"Well then show me" he smirks.

You roll your eyes as you walk off heading back inside the shop.
You see Jungkook speaking with a customer and push past the both of them.

"Do you mind?" Jungkook frowns.

"Oops didn't see you there" you sarcastically say as you grab your bag.

He scoffs and finishes his conversation with his customer.
You pet Bong goodbye smiling at him.

"Well thanks for taking care of Bong, he says sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"It's cool i love him" you say.

He smirks and starts going through some papers.

"Later loser" you say walking towards the door.

After you leave the shop, you head for your car.


"Lets go to the club today" Ki suggests.

"Hell no" you say blatantly.

"Aw come one, we never had fun in a while. Let's take our mind off things, plus i already made us VIP clients in this new club that recently opened" she whines.

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