CHAPTER 25- My Princess

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Staring into the ceiling, you sigh and hold the wound tighter.
Grunting in pain, you cover your eyes with your arm and try to sleep until Jungkook re enters the room.

"Bleeding stopped yet?" he asks.

"I don't even know, i don't even care if im being honest" you sigh.

He walks closer to you and sits down beside you pressing a towel on the wound making you grip his arms really tight.

"Oh it's going to hurt" he speaks.

"I'm used to it" you mumble.

"What?" he asks pressing onto the wound.

"Nothing" you mutter.

After he finishes up, the door bell rings making him get up to leave the room.

"Fuck I'll quickly call Ki" you whisper to yourself.

Grabbing your phone, you speed dial her and she picks up.

"Y/N you okay? Where are you?" she questions.

"I'm fine. Been shot. I'm At Jungkook's house" you sigh.

"shit" she grouses.
"was it beacuse you killed Chairman Goo?"

"One of his guards shot me" you explain.
"Also why can't i come because you just told me to worry about it?"

"Y/N the FBI are searching our apartment" she says quietly.

"WHAT?!?!?" you exclaim.

"They are searching every apartment building in the whole fucking neighbourhood" she explains.

"Is it beacuse of the Chairman?" you ask.

"yeah but the question is why are they only checking in our neighbourhood?" she panics.

"Listen it's fine. Just tell me when they leave. They can't find anything. You hid everything right?" you assure her.

"Yeah in the usual place" she answers.

As she speaks Jungkook comes into the room with the doctor.

"Okay I'll call you back" you say hanging up on the phone.

"This is Doctor Yang, he's a surgeon" Jungkook introduces him as he bows.

"Surgeon?" you blink continuesly.

"Yeah" he answers.

"Miss, I'm going to take a look at you and see if we can get that bullet out of you-"

"Oh helllllllllllllll no" you cut him off moving further down the bed.
"It's not happening"

"If you want to die then it's fine by me" Jungkook raises his eyebrows.

The doctor frowns as he looks at the both of you.

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