CHAPTER 33- Fallout

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Since the post office is really close to your apartment, you both walked down there.
More like Jungkook dragged you there.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Hand" you snarl at him.

"No" he grips on tighter.

"Y/N" calls a man.

You quickly let go of his hand and look up to see Malcov coming out of his car.

"What a coincidence" he smiles.

"Who's this again? I feel like i know him" Jungkook acts dumb.

"Remember at your shop?" you raise your eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, you're her father's friend right?" Jungkook still plays dumb.

"Yes that's me" he smiles at Jungkook.

"You're also the bastard who made her cry" Jungkook Snarls at him.

You nudge Jungkook and frown at him.

"Oh.......You're the boyfriend?" He asks looking at you.

You quickly grab Jungkook's hand again and grip on hard.
"Yeah and what?" you gloat.

"Didn't say there was anything wrong with that" he slightly raises his hands in the air.

"Well we're busy if you don't mind" you squint your eyes at him.

"Come by my company again yeah?" he smirks at you as you walk off pulling Jungkook with you.

As you turn to the corner of the street, you stop and look back to see if he's still there.

"Malcov huh?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows.

"Creep calls it a coincidence" you scoff.

"Let's get this over and done with" he sighs.

You start to walk and Jungkook glances over at your hands.
Squinting his eyes, he looks confused.

"You're still holding my hand" he smirks.

As you turn to see that you're still holding his hand, you quickly let go and walk away again.

As you make it to the post office, you go around the back since Ki texted you earlier to do so.

"Why the back?" Jungkook questions.

"Lets not even question what Ki does" you sigh.

Once you turn to the corner, you see a bunch of men stacking boxes outside the building and taking some inside.
There is one man with a clipboard ordering them around.

"Viking guy with a orange beard..... the fuck is she on about" you say reading the text off your phone.

"That must be him" Jungkook says pointing at the guy with the clipboard.

"OI" you shout at him making him look up at you.

"Can i help you?" he raises one eyebrow at you.

"I need Ki's package, she says you know what i mean" you imply.

"I don't know what you're talking about sweetie" he frowns.

"Don't call me that bitch" you grouse.

"A package. We came to collect a package by the name Ki scarlet" Jungkook interrupts.

"Yeah like I'm going to believe that" he scoffs.
"The amount of times i had hooligans coming round here saying they came to collect packages pffffftt"

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