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Couple days later, you're all sitting in your apartment talking about what to do next.

"So here is Baek-hyun's schedule" Jimin says placing it on the table.
"Obviously it's just filled with the company's bullshit but here" he points at the corner of the paper.
"It's empty"

"Okay and?" Pablo looks at him confused.

"The schedule is filled with meetings and other company stuff, but here, on Friday 8PM, he has nothing, so I'm guessing that's when he meets with Malcov and Mark, it's probably a weekly thing" he explains.

"Oh shit" Ki mutters.

"Okay that's cool but how the hell do we know where they meet?" you frown.

"Well we have to figure it out, probably follow him on the day to see where he goes" Jimin asserts.

"Oh what about when we saw mark meet up with Baek-hyun that time at the bar?" Sebastian interrupts.

"Oh yeahhh shit, i forgot about that" Ji-hun recalls.

"You must be really stupid to think three bosses who 'supposedly' hate each other would meet in a bar?" Jungkook scoffs.

"What if one of them Own the bar?" you smirk.

"OMG thinking about it, Malcov owns a bar down town" Ki exclaims.

"Exactly" you grin.

"Okay then" Jimin nods.
"Tomorrow's Friday, me and Jungkook will follow Baek-hyun and Y/N and Ki will follow Malcov, Sebastian and Ji-hun follow Mark, and we'll end up seeing each other if they do meet up at the bar"

"I'll text you guys the address" Ki says taking her phone out.

"Okay that's all for today then, we'll see eachother tomorrow" Jimin smiles as he gets up.

As you all stand up, the door bell rings.
You all glance at the door while Ki checks through the hole to see who it is.
She quickly turns around and Mouths 'It's Malcov'

"Shit" you mutter.

"What the fuck do we do?" Sebastian whispers.

"Follow me quick" you grit your teeth.

Walking into your bedroom, the guys follow and you lock it after you.

"So are you going to come to our house more frequently now?" Ki says from the other side as she opens the door.

You and the guys are in your bedroom listening through the door.

"Mmmm, i came to hear your update personally" He implies.

"Well you didn't need to come all the way" Ki scoffs.
"Did you forget that you have people to do that for you?"

"We're talking about The Black J here" he chuckles.

Jungkook laughs under his breathe just hearing that but Jimin nudges him to stop.

"Well......." she trails off as she looks around.

"Shit" you mumble.

"Amigo, this is where we get caught" Pablo whispers.

"Shut the fuck up, he won't come in here" you whisper back.
"Go in the closet"

"What?" Sebastian frowns.

"Just go quickly" you push them away.

"Y/N" Malcov calls.

"Shit shit shit" you mutter.

Ki just awkwardly laughs.

"Where is she?" he asks as he starts to walk towards your room.

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